Paint Party Friday
Show Your Face Friday
Connolly original acrylic As a lover of good documentaries I probably don't watch enough of them. However after watching, "The war at Home" on Cbc last month I was inspired to write this poem in response! When things are a bit too raw I tend to distance myself to gain more perspective and edit properly. If you have difficulty understanding domestic abuse and why women don't leave promptly this might be a documentary for you to explore! Not sure if it can be seen outside of Canada. I've added Connolly the cat and Peck the bird to take the edge off this dark subject! |
held hostage by threats they daily feed
to harm children, or animals, ones that you love
sustaining control, they dangle it above
I understand, why you don't say a word
terrified your words will go unheard
authorities eyes blank at the sound of your voice
needing protection, needing advice
No one can help on those nights all alone
noises in darkness, vulnerable on your own
terrified that truck might be here to do harm
Shoes by your bedside, under the pillow slip the keys
the cell phone, a hammer, you never sleep with ease
the cell phone, a hammer, you never sleep with ease
Some friends understand, the ignorant ask why
you stare in disbelief that they can't hear your cry
screams lodged inside, hidden from the world
protecting your children while the fear is unfurled
when you faced the courts, it went unheard
it angered the monster, fueled up the fire
the sedated anger is never sure to cease
It can smolder like fire, or fester like a boil
become toxic and dangerous causing turmoil
you could never predict how it could take such a toll
Surviving abuse you'll not go unscathed
The fear lays dormant, never goes unfazed
So I understand why you don't say a word
because women have died not being heard
Your children aren't safe, nor family and friends
Most of us have known someone affected by domestic abuse!
Have you ever had to support a woman through an
toxic domestic situation?
I think everyone at least knows of someone who has gone through domestic abuse, it is more common than we realize, I think.
I like your art today.
Great words and pictures on an important theme, Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie
I have the honor of being counselor to women (and sometimes men) who are victims of abuse! I know too well of what you speak. There are no easy answers, no one solution fits all! A frightening life, and yes, many who get out get killed! Many who get away are able to heal and form healthy relationships later on! I've seen it all! Counseling helps!
Your art brightens an otherwise depressing story, thanks for your poem!
very powerful words. I do have a friend who went through something but seemed almost addicted to the passion of making up with an incredibly controlling and abusive man. Words fell on deaf ears until she eventually woke up herself and did eventually end things but it took a long time and plenty of threats of him killing himself so she'd go back to him before she finally broke free.
On a lighter note, I love the cute animals in your post today!
It takes a courage and strength to say no, very often it takes time. But it is so worth to do it, to start again, to heal...Thank you for sharing very important thoughts....Big hugs to you!
I helped my friend Susan after her ex-husband attacked her with a hammer and then slammed her head in the car door over and over until help arrived. This was even with a restraining order out on him after several attacks in the previous years. It is a heartbreaking situation with no voice but you gave it one today.
Such a powerful and truthful poem! I'm glad for the vibrant colors of Connolly and Peck here. I have had to deal somewhat with someone very close to me in a tough situation, and as a child I endured seeing and hearing abuse at a friend's home. Of course, I was too young to say or do anything except comfort my friend and take her to my house as much as I could. I don't know what ever happened to that family.
A frightening and very disturbing theme with such lovely and inspiring creations. Very important and wonderful story. Thank you for the brightness!
Michelle ♥ #25 this week at PPF
Oh this is tough and so sad, I haven't helped or known anyone in such a bad way but know there are so many out there suffering this daily, how awful! Your words and art make for a great post full of the sad reality and truth of such situations!
A very sad and frightening subject, to be sure. I have never been in any but a loving home but I can see where there are many times it would be so scary to walk away, especially if you had children to support. Always love your wonderful illustrations, Sherrie.
luv the little bird best
Happy PPF
much love...
A very important theme surely, when love and relationship disintegrates to stinking mess but still options are so few and escape seems so difficult...your thought provoking words and colorful art are a great combination to get powerful messages across.
Not having a voice is an awful thing. I've known what that is like. Beautiful drawings, my Friend. ((Hugs))
A very important theme, I guess we all now someone who has been in that situation. It's an awful place to be in. Thank you for your lovely art, love the bird.
bright sketches to contrast with the important theme
You draw attention to a very important issue. I have not personally had a friend this has happened to although I did have a neighbor who was abused by a man she was living with. It was pretty awful.
Lovely drawings xx
A difficult subject today, Giggles, and one you have tackled well.
I'm only thankful that I don't have this problem, although I hope I've been supportive to friends who have suffered mental abuse.
Thanks for the colourful paintings to lighten our way through your heartfelt post.
such an amazing way to get the message out there,, this should be used publicly,, such an inspiration,
So much power in your poem and such a heart breaking subject. I've never suffered or my friends but I certainly feel for any woman who finds herself in such a desperate situation.
Powerful poem. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to live like that every day. Your illustrations are always relevant to your reflections and are interesting!
I love your poem. It is a scary world when people need to be prepared to flee and hide. I have been lucky, no one I have lived with has scared me that much, but I know you have mentioned you were not in a good place at one point and I image this poem comes from your heart. Sometimes your art is so fun that it seems in such contrast to things you write, like today's poem. have a wonderful weekend. Hugs-Erika
It's a very tough subject and you've covered well. I used to work in a Women's Shelter and I've seen and heard it all. Thanks for sharing.
Yes, it happens too many times among family life.
Your paintings are fabulous.
Happy weekend ❤
Very nice poem, of a horrible reality for many. :o(
A very important issue...There may be different reasons for not seeking help, not walking away at the right time
Thank you for sharing your art and poem Sherrie
Great poem and nice artwork.
As parents of two girls, my wife and I always encouraged my daughters to be strong. We also made sure they knew that college wasn't a choice, it was a necessity. We wanted them to be independent women. In addition, they've always known that we are here to support them, no matter what mistakes they make. We also pray that they will never end in an abusive relationship. May God continue to look over them. Blessings to you for helping make others aware of this terrible problem through out the world.
Today I don't have power to comment on your text, been working with abused women, children and families in the past.
Strengthening colors in your art.
What a serious and complex problem this is! Your poem is such an interesting response. We have to keep educating women to be strong and to have good self esteem and educating our sons to respect the women in their lives. As always your art work within this thought-provoking piece is vivid and witty. :) xx
Powerfully said on a serious issue, one that is real to all of us, one way or the other.
Fantastic artwork! So fun and colorful!
What a difficult issue. I am grateful that it isn't something I've personally known people going through... Your birdie is lovely.
A beautiful, powerful poem. I have seen similar documentaries and the stories are heart breaking, I can't imagine what I would do in such a situation, but I understand that it's not as simple as "just leaving". I am thankful that I have never experienced domestic abuse, or known anyone who has among my friends and family.
Beautiful art work!
A powerful poem and such a heart breaking subject. Brilliant words.
I've always been in a loving home and am thankful for that. I once suspected a lady in an art group was being abused, due to periodic bruises and black eyes. She would always make excuses until the day she was in a car (with her husband) and the passenger door mysteriously flew open and she was flung out! I think from that day on she had to address her fears. I often think about how she got on. It was many years ago now. I hope she's found happiness.
Great bright and cheerful artwork.
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