Quote of The Day

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Move over!

I tend to read too much non fiction online and 
sometimes it gets me so fired up! 
Warning.... a bit of a rant ahead....along
with a little mumbo jumbo....not the most 
creative week for me! 
I am so tired of watching old men out of touch with  reality the new millennium, not passing the torch. I'm speaking of successful men in their mid to late seventies. If you are current, up to date, with the program, have  an open mind,  and aren't still living with a fifties mentality, then power to you! Otherwise....pass the darn torch!
Grumpy original
Sadly hard copy newspapers are becoming a thing of the past that won't be resurrected by government funding no matter how hard a conservative seventy seven year old man attempts to plead his case! Besides by the time news hits the stands it's outdated!! You are not going to be able to continue to edit the voices of women or certain political parties any longer either. It will come through loud and clear in other forms of social media, thank goodness!!
I stole a character from this digital card for the one below! It's fun to reuse my crazy characters!
I feel rather rantish today. I am an older woman who doesn't profess to know it all. I try to stay current but I certainly could be more up to date. I know life is faster, with a larger spectrum of information, and a wider range of views. So why do I keep hearing the voices of these old men come up in my feeds, on news programs and as trolls in internet comments!
I shrunk this guy down and turned him around for the card below!
"NOT A REAL ARTIST,"  an art curator (again an old man) called a  nurse. The self taught  artist used a  middle aged mans artwork as a reference, interpreting it in her own style.   She will probably hear that and feel quite disillusioned, when  (her art was lovely). No, she shouldn't have used another artists work as a  reference but sometimes self taught artists just don't know where to start! Yet on the next page I see a twelve year  old copy  Vincent van Goghs Starry night  on her brothers bedroom wall  and have it go viral! With blessings!
One new character and two old characters used to make this new digital card!
The world is intersected with images people share and use without our knowledge and  it's going to be  really hard to reel that in. There  is enough room for several  interpretations of the same thing....if you don't believe me  check out Draw Tommy Kane site on tumblr. Not one style is the same!! I love it! If only I was brave enough to try to draw Tommy!
In a creative lull so I posted this old digital!

Although I feel frustrated when I see one blog artist  way too similar to a licensed artist flogging very similar images as their own. It's few and far between, but understandably happens. Since many artists teach how to create their own characters verbatim. I have taken a few of those classes and worried about being too similar! Perhaps focusing on technique with a suggestion of maintaining your own style or version of that technique instead, is better!  I know a few artists who have done that with great results...they make great teachers too!! There are enough different tastes and styles for many artists to be recognized and uniquely enjoyed everywhere!
An old digital as a filler for the lull in my creativity!
We're living in a rebirth of new information, it's the pioneer stages so things aren't  perfect. However there are wonderful new things abounding that we can all embrace and enjoy! Find our own unique path, support each other and relish our own style.  

It's not the nineteen hundreds, "I am still sick of old men trying to run the world they have already messed up.  So move over Mr. Outdated ideology  make room for  others  to have a kick at the can! Time to try things a new way!

What has been frustrating you lately?


Valerie-Jael said...

Sometimes we need to just let it out....Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

Paper rainbow said...

My goodness I can feel your fire. I understand entirely.when I was asked to teach workshops I resisted for some time because stupidly I thought...'I've taken years to perfect my process I don't want someone to carbon copy my work' but then I realised that what's in my head can't be copied. We all interpret colour differently. Some evidence seems to suggest we are colour differently. Back during the renaissance period artists in Italy had apprenticed who copied there work
As a means of learning before developing their own style. An artists style is something which develops. Yes some artists I see do copy a little too faithfully others however that is their loss as I think once developed your painting style reflects your soul so hanging into anothers will never really give you an expressive voice. Interpret...that's what it's all about..make it your own, that's what nourishes your being.

sirkkis said...

Thanks for your this weeks grazy lovely drawings. I are amazingly talented to create them.
Happy PPF xx

kat said...

I'm definitely smiling at all of your wonderful illustrations, they're great and I especially love the mice running around not knowing whether their coming or going...sometimes I feel that way too on busy days, and can see myself like those mice rushing around...
There can be lots to be frustrated about, but I like to sweep it all away and smile at all that makes me happy!

scrapmanufaktur said...

So much fun to look at your drawings. Very special.


I'm glad I'm not the only one going on a bit of a rant this week!! I totally understand what you mean - just yesterday S got really annoyed when he came across some post on Facebook with holocaust deniers ranting and raving about how none of it was true - it's sickening that people can even believe that but unfortunately anyone can say anything online and there will be folk ignorant enough to believe it - the same with the newspapers that print only right wing nonsense and get people all fired up about immigrants 'stealing their jobs' and such like. I am making a conscious effort to stop getting sucked into reading inflammatory things online because you just can't argue with people who refuse to open their eyes.


Oh and as for copying other artist's work - Exactly what Morag said! I'm not a fan of those art classes where everyone produced exactly the same painting at the end - there seems to be no creativity or individuality about those sorts of classes at all - certainly show people techniques and then encourage them to use those with their own unique take to create a painting that expresses their own personality and soul.

Tracey FK said...

don't get me started on old men and their outdated rubbish... or on art teachers teaching a single technique... it is so offensive to my art teacher brain i can't tell you... but you know some people love it, and I had feedback from one lady disappointed that i hadn't taught that way, but happily by the end of the class she said she was doing work she never knew she could and i was so relieved that she had found her way past the lack of confidence that the single solution type teaching had leeched from her... see now you have me off ona rant... but like minds and all that I suppose lol... xx

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I don't know what's scarier, old men with fascist and hate filled points of views or his followers. May God have mercy on us all. Blessings, my friend!

Anonymous said...

excellent rant as far as rants go lol, and I agree, the paint classes where you blindly follow the lead on what to paint squashes any individualism ,, beautiful work by the way,

Christine said...

The Tommy Kane site is so interesting, enjoyed all the different styles. I find that I am not reading many magazines anymore it is so much more convenient to go online. Your grumpy portrait is so good, very grumpy!

Faye said...

Sherrie-Giggles, you are really giving it all a piece of your mind today! The world is changing and I believe it's not all for the better. All progress isn't really progress. Some changing things are refreshing and good. Some are not But having said that, I do agree whole heartedly about your take on following your own style in art. I take a watercolor class and we are given a photo to draw from and to paint. None of the 12 of us ends up with anything like any of the others. The teacher is wise enough to allow each of us to paint to our own drummer, so to speak.

Linda Kunsman said...

Well you sure are fired up aren't you??? Whatever the emotions you're going thru your art is always so delightful , true and vibrant! As for the art part of the conversation, I do take some online classes and use books to learn from, and sometimes my art does look very similar but I am only trying to learn from it and hopefully then use the techniques to make it my own. Though personally I don't like all those paint parties popping up where everyone does the exact same thing I do understand how helpful it must be for those who have never picked up a paintbrush. Happy PPF and have a wonderful low key weekend:)

Ayala Art said...

We, those of us that make art and aim to be original, have to keep spreading the message that along with learning a class, we have to learn to put our own spin on things and make it original.
Yes, we all have to start somewhere, but it so irritating to see obvious copies with no credit (specially when we know where the credit should go) I totally agree.
Posts like this helps :o)

About politics? It takes the 2 halves to make a whole. We need the old fashion ways, infused with new ways, not just all to one side. That's my opinion anyway.

As for the art: fun as usual!

Fallingladies said...

I wanted to rant about the school system, especially for special needs children this week, but I held it in. Not at all implying you should have held it in, Much better to say what you feel, but I just couldn't seem to put it into words yet. Love the green "grumpy"!

Irene Rafael said...

Often beginning artists are taught by imitation as a means to become comfortable with mediums, supplies, substrates all that is involved. The learning comes in finding one's own style and preferences. The book Steal Like an Artist even suggests imitation as a means of learning. The concept includes that fact that each of us has our own innate abilities and style. I do agree that there are many teachers who teach a process with the specific point of having the student's work look exactly like his or hers. It would not be my preference to attend this type of workshop. I do not find it interest, fun or stimulating. In the end, we all have our creative paths and timing. Thank you for stimulating this conversation. Have a lovely week.

~~ Irene

Unknown said...

I can't tell you how many times people ask me to "fix" their art piece or look at me like I've lost my mind when I ask them what THEY think of it as I teach. One person, after I asked how their art made them feel fired back, I DON"T KNOW since I've never done this before. Wow. The painting techniques where everyone is exactly alike might be easier, but I don't think anyone comes away with stretching their minds!!!

denthe said...

Oh Sherrie, that last "old digital" as you call it would make such a great pattern for a duvet or something. And when I look at your other drawings there are those weird characters on there that could all easily be used as a pattern. Would look really cute. As for the rant: just get it off your chest I'd say :-) I find that the older I get the less I'm likely to waste my time listening to people that annoy me. Some people are so entrenched in their thinking they will never be open to other opinions, and I'm afraid some of these people are not even old .... :-S
Wishing you a great weekend without irritations :-)

My name is Erika. said...

I love your grumpy face, and I must say I first expected more grumpy art from your post (not that you were being grumpy), but the the fact you said you didn't get much art time, and I thought maybe we only had the fun grumpy face, but then I saw those other fun pieces. Always a pleasure to stop by and see your art. Love the new blog header too!!!!! Hugs-Erika

Susan said...

Move on Mr Outdated Ideology...I love it! And your illustrations are wonderful! Great post. (not rant)

Laney said...

Sometimes you just have to get it out! Sometimes I just have to skip over things on Facebook so they won't annoy me. ;) I have had online teachers who want the student to copy first - just to learn the techniques, then encourage them to go off on their own road. I think there is value in that as part of the learning process - but it's so important to take that next step and do your own thing. I love your colorful art - as usual. Happy PPF!

Nadya said...

We've just been having that conversation in some of my art teaching circles, on following the teacher's style, developing ones own, and the LONG TRADITION of sitting in galleries, painting in "imitation" of the masters! And a great exercise is to address a subject using the style of a Maestra.

An artist who is also a musician pointed out that no one questions the tradition of learning to play a composition as exactly as written as you're capable of! And told NOT to deviate until you really know how to play what's on the page! Hmmm, I had a great piano teacher,, and that's how I learned! She also taught composition, & gave us the tools for that, including writing our score by hand....
Time for those old men to move over, and realize we're no longer listening, if they aren't saying anything worthwhile!

Fran said...

Here Here, Giggles. Well said. I looked at Tommy Kane's page. So many of them seemed to be done in the same technique though with some difference in final outcome. Thought about trying it...dunno, maybe.

Carol said...

Now that you have that all off your chest :) Love the art and the rants do make sense ♥ Have a great weekend ♥

SLScheibe said...

I love your rant! We all need a good rant now and then. Hear hear! I'm quite taken with the Tommy Kane portraits. What a totally fun exercise. I think you should go for it and be brave. You have such a unique and fun style that your portrait would absolutely stand out. I'm going to give it a whirl! :)

Victoria said...

Hi Giggles...wowness...these are all beautiful and unique..fun and magical! Fantastic works!
Wishing you a gorgeous week ahead!

Anonymous said...

Great art is born from power, and you've got it!

Julie said...

Wonderful images Giggles! And I can feel your passion from here! I have been told that there is no original art, but new interpretations. And each interpretation then becomes original in its own right. (if you get my drift). But I was shown an interpretation on The Scream, painted by an eleven year old just this morning and it was fantastic! x Julie

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful post and 'rant' ~ delightful, creative and colorful art work ~

Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

JKW said...

Wow, I understand you and you have my heartfelt sympathies. I would rather run into the men you run into instead of the bi-polar stalkers and dare I use the word 'idiots.' I've always believed that we don't know what they are going through or have been through to think like they do and I allow for that (this sentence does NOT apply to bi-polar people, they are quite dangerous). . and yes, the sheriffs department is aware. I love, love, love your grumpy gal. . . LOL and Green at that. Thanks so much for the visit. I really appreciate the comments for the pickle I'm in (and now you know about another pickle). Many Blessings, Janet, PPF

sheila 77 said...

Super Rant-post, Giggles, I love a good rant.
I'm wondering which old men you are referring to? - maybe something happening in Canada?
I totally agree with your remarks on workshops, often you can recognise the artist-teacher's work in the student work, the sign of a bad teacher.
Mrs. Grumpy is definitely not pleased, she makes me laugh.
Love your Happy birthday cards and your own art steal. The flying person carrying the cake is a riot, such a cool face and "interesting" body.
At the moment I am frustrated because I don't have enough time for art!

Lisabella Russo said...

Some interesting thoughts Giggles, thank you.

Granny Annie said...

Never fear, I have grandsons that are coming along nicely and will one day change the world for good. I still read my daily newspaper by the way. Fun post even with Grumpy. LOL

peggy gatto said...

Total grumpy fun!
Hugs from an old woman who learns something new evert day.....sometimes I like it, sometimes not, so I do what I like!!!

DVArtist said...

Love your art and your rant, on all points. I so agree that the old men get the heck out. As far as art in any medium there will always be this battle of originality. Now breath and enjoy your weekend.

JKW said...

I was on your NEW POST and accidentally hit the button and my POST went away and now am unable to post at all on your NEW post. Don't know if I'm banned or not. I did 'subscribe' to your posts now, but still not sure If they will allow me to post. Can I have your email address? jkwgalleries@gmail.com Dang. Sorry. I love this post and am sending the uTube to my granddaughter who is in DESPERATE need of it. Thank you. Thank you for visiting and all your sage advice. So sorry about your hip - Prayers. Blessings, Janet

Kate Robertson said...

Lots of fun art amidst your rant, I loved it all. Ranting just has to be done sometimes, its good to let it out and let the art flow. Happy PPF


NatureFootstep said...

lol. love all your fun stuff :) Made my day.

Jenn Jilks said...

I've been sent quite a few books to review, written by old men. They are so boring! (And poorly written!)

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