Quote of The Day

Today's Quote
Peace and justice are two sides of the same coin.
Dwight D. Eisenhower

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Cafe Deux Soleils

Last night we attended "The Happening's" band concert at the "Cafe Deux Soleils". Even though it's a somewhat grungy atmosphere and the vegetarian food was mediocre, the venue however is a large supporter of the arts. Almost every night is packed with either a poetry slam or some type of entertainment. Fun art from local artist's fills the restaurant, a great diversion from the filthy walls and dirty bathroom. It’s a pretty funky place, really no different than a favorite bar when the lights come on at closing. I am pretty partial to ambience, so unless I was going there for a specific event I doubt that I’d return. On a lighter note "The Happening" played their best concert ever. I had shrills of goosebumps through every song, which is my gage for excellence. I also had tears for one song. All of which is a rare occurrence!

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