Quote of The Day

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Fun at the Beer Garden

Sunday morning Megan took Pepper and Bryan to Whistler village to shop. Bryan bought his little brother a t-shirt that says "Hugs not Drugs" on it, and a new Johnny Cash t-shirt for himself. Pepper bought a lululemon sweat zippy and received a beautiful free cloth bag with wonderful spiritual inscriptions.

The afternoon was spent
Creekside, at Dusty's bar and grill, where a BBQ cook off took place. A wonderful musician strummed and sang many familar songs, partnered with a female fiddler. Unfortunately I didn't get the name of the performers. We sat in the beer gardens sipping on cold drinks, while chatting and enjoying the ambiance of people and music. That evening we headed home just after eight. It was a fun few days of giggles and great family connections at a very luxurious resort! I am so fortunate to have been in the best place in B.C. to celebrate the B.C. day long weekend!

1 comment:

Giggles said...

It was an amazing time. A spiritual connection with my brother. We've always been close, but something magical happened.

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