Sad About Susie
Where ever did you go?
We can not really tell
Where ever you are now
We’re sure you must be well
For all you suffered
In days gone by
We wish you well
And will not cry
For tears were shed
While you were here
For all your pain
And all your fear
Although you couldn’t
Speak with us
You bravely smiled
And made no fuss
We wanted to be there for you
So you would know we cared
Although the days were often long
Special things were shared
We sang for you, and laughed too
We watched you as you slept
We tried to be of comfort
We hugged you when you wept
And even though we did these things
It didn’t seem enough
Watching as you suffered on
At time it was so tough
We brought you special foods to eat
Sometimes you wanted none
But we knew you loved us
For all the things we’d done
Days went fast and days went slow
And we denied
That you would go
But in the end as you sicker
We hoped and prayed
You’d go much quicker
And yet our hearts
Could not let go
The endless waiting
When we didn’t know
We knew we’d miss you
We knew we’d cry
And yet we could not say good-bye
We knew we’d miss you,
When you were gone
But in our hearts
You still live on
Your thoughtful ways
Your heart of gold
Are things that can't
Go untold
Your friendly way
Your idle chatter
At times a fault
It didn’t matter
This was you,
The way you were
And you were loved
That’s for sure
Short and feisty
Full of fight
Was your true plight
You loved the birds
To watch them feed
Or grab a book
And sit and read
Your life was full
Of many things
Simple pleasures
Not diamond rings
You danced and golfed
superbly cooked
Play games and sewed
on gambling were hooked
For all who loved you
And all who cared
For all this sorrow
We were not prepared
Time after time
I’ve tried to write
An end to this poem
That would sound just right
But to my demise
There is no end
I’m just waiting
For my heart to mend
This piece was written for my mother Susan, who died August 4th, 1991 after a brave battle with cancer. She is deeply missed by friends, family, and relatives. Her memory lives on, every passing day. Where ever you are mom, we love you and hope things are better for you now!
Written with love and sadness by your daughter in the summer of 1991
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