Quote of The Day

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Sunday Scribblings "The Traveling Gnome"

An Adult Tale
I couldn't come up with anything for Sunday scribblings, then when I was visiting Paris Parfait’s blog I picked up this sickly virus gnome dude , who says he originates from Dizgraceland. Although I am not much to hang with the gnomes……more of a troll lover myself, I thought I'd let him stay in Canada to visit my friend Laura, who adores gnomes. She could use a lurid affair with a man of distinction; I sure hope her hubby doesn’t mind. Personally I could never do it with a gnome as they kinda creep me out….hands over ears Mr. Gnomie……. Besides he’s just a little too short for me….He is going right back where he came from if he gets frisky in any way.

Laura will know what to do with him….she’s the one who needs all the help in her beautiful garden, she always has way too much work and too little time. But hey, I wouldn’t mind picking his little brain….see what he knows about gardening…. After all I do love flowers. Maybe he can work for his supper.

Gerhart, that’s what he said his name is, meaning hard spear, which kind of freaks me out. Hope he hasn’t been in jail or anything. Also don’t be fooled by him, he’s confided that he plans on using aliases in every city he visits. Which really makes me suspect. Also he keeps talking about wanting to try some B.C. bud that he’s heard so much about. I assured him he won’t be doing any when I’m around, because it’s just not my thing. Anyway Gerhart says he wants to hit up Vancouver while he’s here, so I thought I’d woo Laura into coming along with me and the creepy little dude. She’s way less discriminating than me. First we’ll go to Gas town and check out a few fun places, then to Granville Island for lunch and a stroll through the market. After that we’ll head to Commercial drive for a special coffee and a Mario’s gelato while wandering the drive, then we’ll finish the day with dinner at Wazubees! He’ll feel way more in his element on Commercial drive; there are more weirdoes down there than you can shake a stick at. I’ve noticed he’s rather belligerent, so I’ve decided if he gets nasty with me, or in any way fresh, I may just leave him down there. I’m sure someone would take him in. In fact I think I may have seen a few of his cousins down there. I’m sure Laura will talk me out of it though. The only thing I ask is that he totally gets my garden ready for winter….that’s not much….for a nice warm bed in a purple house! They say that relatives, like fish, start to stink after two days, although I'm not admitting to anything! If you steal him, it’s imperative that you report back to Tim! Who wants him next????


Anonymous said...

Giggles..you are way too funny...thanks so much for stopping by and leaving the link..I just love those pumpkins. I added a few more limke to the log and watch for my post on Halloween..it gonna be a picture halloween story...take care sweetie..m

gma said...

Send him to Nome Alaska....after he gets your winter garden ready.

Anonymous said...

He just showed up on the plateau, and he is freezing his little gnome buns off!!! (I sent Tim a note to help him)

Giggles said...

Great idea Gemma, Nome Alaska... He's gone now, and it was too dark to see if he got my garden finished.....oh well I'm glad to be rid of him....he was such a creepo!!

Paris thanks for getting me out of a tight squeeze with my Sunday scribblings, I tried countless times to write something....you bailed me out girl....I owe you!!

Madd glad to be able to help by leaving the link, I'll there with bells on to read your blog daily....no worries there!

Yak I hope you have more chemistry with him than I did....I guess when he realized it was that time of the month for both women in this house.....he bee lined right out of here!!

Thanks for your concern people!! Wipes sweat off brow in relief!

Giggles said...

Great idea Gemma, Nome Alaska... He's gone now, and it was too dark to see if he got my garden finished.....oh well I'm glad to be rid of him....he was such a creepo!!

Paris thanks for getting me out of a tight squeeze with my Sunday scribblings, I tried countless times to write something....you bailed me out girl....I owe you!!

Madd glad to be able to help by leaving the link, I'll there with bells on to read your blog daily....no worries there!

Yak I hope you have more chemistry with him than I did....I guess when he realized it was that time of the month for both women in this house.....he bee lined right out of here!!

Thanks for your concern people!! Wipes sweat off brow in relief!

Anonymous said...

He just sent me a photo as he was getting ready to cross the Himalayas (actually I think it was the Tangula Shan Mountains). At any rate, I think he is gone!!!

JP (mom) said...

This is too funny! I love Vancouver and I'm glad Tim's gnome had such a clever and charming hostess for his brief stay! Cheers, JanePoe

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