Quote of The Day

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Decorating and "The Race"

Little Pepper in 1990 age 4
These are ornaments she made in elementary school

I am always thrilled to receive a new short Scott Stratton movie in my email. Today is an inspirational poem we could all heed when the going gets tough….a great little reminder.It’s called “The Race” and it has a lovely message for all! Please take a couple of minutes from your day to view this non religious spiritual poem set to music.

Today I need to finish decorating. I remember a time when I used to do it all in one day. Now it can take me days…..but I trudge on….Every year, I purge a few things from the past, lightening the Christmas load. Cherishing the angel Pepper made from a pinecone when she was very young, along with a small Ukrainian style blown out egg! Which sits nestled in my tree!

Off to decorate some more….enjoy the clip from Scott!


madd said...

Oh Giggles..these are real treasures...I can just picture her bring them to you..wonderful memories..I'm hoping to have mine done this week as well..yeah right..LOL..working on it anyway..take care sweetie..m

JP (mom) said...

Homemade children's ornaments - pure joy! Have fun with the decorating! cheers & much peace, JP

Anonymous said...

I watched The Race....very inspirational....Thank you! Also have saved some of my childrens handmade ornaments....and use them every year!!

KaiBlue said...

There is nothing that sets a soul into the season of winter beauty more then a fresh falling of snow..
Your pictures are just awesome!!
Thanks for sharing Ms Giggles!!
PEace, Kai

Anonymous said...

loving that pine cone! in kidnegarten my daughter made icycles from squeezing aluminum foil strips... she still cherishes those.

madd said...

Hey Sweetie just checking on you..hope all is well and you didn't lose your power again..take care..m

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