Quote of The Day

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Poetry Thursday " Cropped Content"

I love every aspect of words, the combination, compilation, connecting to converse with. Not only do I love the rhyme, reason, and resilience of poetry, I adore the passion, power and pontification of poetry. So for Poetry Thursday I’ve written a poem expressing my allure to poetry.

Cropped Content

Contained, condensed conversations
Reckoned revelations revealed
Orations organized opulently
Passionate, perspective pondered
Potent potential purified
Exercised excellence elevated
Dedicated Dialog diversified

Compelling correlations captivate
Overt omnipotent ovation
Notions navigate naturally
Trepid thoughts transpire
Exemplar expressions escalate

Nebulous negotiated naked
Tribulations translate tenaciously


Regina said...

Wow- how fun! Alliteration is our friend!

rel said...

Deliriously delightful dissertation!

gautami tripathy said...

Fun, fantastic, fabulous.

href="http://firmlyrooted.blogspot.com/2007/01/saluting-poetic-wordsan-experiment.html">saluting the poetic words.
why I love Poetry.

gma said...

W wonderful words woven
O observant oeu-vre
W Wordsworth woman

Anonymous said...



Any poem that causes me to laugh is a good poem. :)

Have a great weekend, and stay warm.

JP (mom) said...

tremendous -- my favourite, trepid thoughts transpire

Much peace, love and good thoughts to you Sherrie. x, JP

Tinker said...

Wow! Love how you did this, Sherrie!

Anonymous said...

Yummy- This is a word lover's delight and we share that.
VERY creative, concise, and captivating!

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