Quote of The Day

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Sunday Scribblings " Yummy Home"

Yummy Home

Yummy is my magenta home
Hospitality I share
Fancy drinks or starbuck’s brew
In a kitchen that needs repair
French onion soup and brownies
Scrumptious food I serve
Friends have come in droves this week
Conveying a special verve
We enjoy meals and conversation
Reminisced by candle light
There’s a yummy feeling
They stay till late at night
Apprehensions dissipate
Ego silenced in their presence
Nicks and bruises relegate
As I relax in my own haven


KaiBlue said...

I love your *Haven* and your words!!
Hugs and peace, Kai.

Anonymous said...

beautiful flowers! so vibrant!

gma said...

I know your home is warm and comforting just like you! Save some Starbucks and a brownie for me.

Lucy said...

home should be our haven. Beautiful poem, beautiful picture. :-)

Pam Aries said...

You are RICH in words! What a great visual poem!

Mary Bee said...

Giggle gyrl: I just left a comment below at "Sprout". Then I went about catching up a bit since I've been way sick for quite a while now, not knowing what was going on. I love all the collages of your daughter. Those have got to now be some of your favorite treasures. They belong in frames on your walls at home huh? These purple flowers are so beautiful.

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

What beautiful flowers. I absolutely know that your home is one of welcoming and loving hospitality. You are an amazing woman and I feel so bad I haven't commented lately...I DO read though, your words always so impactful!

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