Quote of The Day

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Wordless Wednesday


Mary Timme said...

Now That is playing in the snow!!!!!

Sandee said...

How fun. I hope your Christmas was the best ever. Big hug. :)

Mary Bee said...

364 more days till Christmas. You obviously had a wonderful familyntime. I'd expect nothing less from you kiddo. I got the greatest gift ever.

Queen-Size funny bone said...

Oh my goodness they look like they had so much fun. That is the best snowman.

Forgetfulone said...

Looks like fun! Great photos. Glad you had a good Christmas.

Lucy said...

Wow! that is one Huge handsome happy snow man!
This sure didn't need words! The great pictures said winter, fun, young, playful,friends, silly, love and happiness!

Sweetie said...

Thank you for your expression of sympathy over the sudden passing of my husband. I certainly enjoyed your "Wordless Wednesday." I should be back to blogging by the middle of next week.
With love,

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