January I started the year with the car being in disrepair, friends and family came to my rescue once again proving to me that love is ever present, and spirit is tangible in my life. For seven months I was forced to completely depend on others, a difficult lesson for a very independent woman. My gratitude is insurmountable!
My daughter received an all expenses paid trip to
As a surprise birthday present and welcome home gift!

March I had three pieces of my art featured in an art show called Purse-sonality, which was recounted in the local newspaper. Basically the affirmation I needed to continue down my creative path with verve!

April and May were many celebrated birthdays, lots of art and poetry. My son-in- law and daughter hijacked my blog to co write an amazing birthday post that I will treasure!
The summer was very hot, July my car was repaired and the start of my crippling knee problems that lasted the whole hot summer months.
September my knee settled with the weather, thankfully! I completed quite a few art projects.
October I managed an art walk resting in between; I also attended a book launch and felt very inspired by all the creative people around me!

November I did lots of reflecting, put up my Christmas decoration which took the better part of a week, by request of my traveling daughter who went to Toronto twice this year, Vegas, and London. I finished some art projects started in July, and then started crocheting Christmas gifts.

December was so busy; I connected in one way or another with many friends and family. Best Christmas gifts this year were my car starting on Christmas day so I could attend dinner with friends, and take my daughter to her in-laws, a phone call from my blogger soul sister Lucy who called me from
That sums up my year! Of course there were interrupted sleeping patterns, sluggish days,
and more knee issues, but for the most part I accomplished a few things at my own slow pace connecting with friends along the way! With a few glitches, I did most of what I set out to do last year, eat less sugar, creative everyday, blogging and think greener!

Biggest lesson I learned in 2008 “ It's always okay to ask”!
If you never ask the answer will always be “NO”
If you ask it could still be “NO” but there is always that possibility
the answer could easily be “ Yes!” So always ASK, ASK, ASK, in a very polite manner!.
At three I was taught never to ask for anything, almost fifty years later I am figuring out the importance of asking….it can open doors and change your life!
I also learned this year that you don’t know how profoundly you are affecting others with your art, poetry, blog. I learned that one young woman copied and framed a poem of mine for her wall. She reads it daily as inspiration and affirmation. I feel so honored knowing I make a difference in her life!
That was a great post! Thanks for sharing your reflections with us. Happy new year.
What a great recap of 2008. I learned a lot about you.
Have a terrific day. Big hugs. :)
Thanks for sharing your 'review'! I've been a bystander for this year and remember most of the events! It's wonderful to share so much life with someone I've never personally met. How great this is! Wishing you the best 2009...
I was so enjoying your beautiful, grateful reflections of your year, (that i am so privileged to share and remember with you,) but when you included our treasured conversation as one of your gifts..my heart just leapt! I feel the same way dear dear sister. connecting with you has been one of the sweetest highlights of my Life. Every lesson you learn and share like the one here... ASK! it's OKAY to Ask! I don't know how I ever got along without your tender wisdom. Wishing this New year answers all your dreams, beautiful, magical Sherrie! xoxox off to email u, i am in desperate need of that magical spirit of yours!
Aloha Sherri,
I wish you bright blessings, much happiness and a fun, hopeful 2009.
peace, Kai xx
Very good year all in all. Big stuff taking place and hope this 2009 will continue to be a good one. Blogging is a good thing to do!
That's an amazing year of wonderful experiences for your family and for yourself. I strongly agree about the "importance of asking." It does just as you say!
Happy New Year 2009. I'm happy to have met you in the blog world.
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