Quote of The Day

Today's Quote
Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends.
William Butler Yeats

Friday, December 19, 2008

Thursday Thirteen Things that make me smile during the season!

Things that make me smile during the season!Being at a party with people I only see once a year. Watching everyone indulge in cheer while I abstain.... pretty fun.... watching all the action!

Seeing my Cousin (friend since birth) having proudly lost over sixty pounds!

Erecting these tacky silk pink poinsettia flowers being one of the last things
my mother bought me over seventeen years ago before she died.
Snow, with the hope of an even whiter Christmas right around the corner!
Enjoying my quaint purple and green lit tree,a history of ornaments dating back 35 years.
Remembering Christmases past when my daughter was bubbling with excitement!
Money was abundant, and it was so easy to find things she'd love!

Enjoying all the Christmas vignettes in the stores.

Getting together with my Gypsy goddess friend for Breakfast....
see her enjoy the scarf I crocheted her!

Have my other friend from Kelowna visit and bring her dog Benji....who was a perfect angel! Seriously the most polite, well behaved creature on the planet........
until he stole the top off my friends half sandwich and ran...... now I know he's a dog for sure...and not some animal from outer space! Adorable... I love him he can visit anytime!! Really he is perfect is all sense of the word!
Enjoying beautifully wrapped gifts with creative patterns and vibrant colors!
Align Center Bryan in these slippers makes me so happy....and all this man does for me
when my knee debilitates me. Vacuums, makes beds, tidies, cleans, builds things, you name it another angel on the horizon here!

What makes me smile most, my Angel, my adorable kind and loving daughter who buys gifts for everyone, rarely thinking of herself. She prides herself on knowing what each person might like. She wraps all the gifts and takes the pressure off of me. She shoveled the snow so my friend wouldn't slip having worked a very long tiring day. She has scurried around looking for things we need during the season. She is the light of my life. It saddens me that I can't give her much in return, when she gives me so much all year long. I believe the universe will always be kind to her, offering her much abundance. She propels my spirit with her Christmas excitement and loving way....I am truly thee most blessed woman on the planet...amen!


Sandee said...

What a great list of smiles. You are very fortunate, but you already know that.

Have a great day and weekend. :)

Queen-Size funny bone said...

Gee, I'm glad those were Bryans legs. For a moment I thought I was going to have to tell you that a shave would be nice. lol

Art Lover said...

haha, is that stewie on bryan's slippers? i love stewie so much!

Mary Bee said...

What a smile warm fuzzy feeling happy inducing post. And As for your daughter you are not quite looking at this from the right angle. Giggles, you gave her LIFE, no gift can be larger.

Have a Holly Jolly X'mas.

Tammy Brierly said...

You are very blessed indeed. Good friends and a giving family is a reflection of you. I liked the pink poinsettias.;) Is that a dog or a pony at your friend's side? Your tree is beautiful! I wanted a ribbon but can you see Dave doing a ribbon garland? I was going to applaud your winter legs until I read they were Brian's. lol

Heal & enjoy!

Patois42 said...

A great list for the season.

Janet said...

What a great list! I haven't been around much lately but I had to come wish you Happy Holidays. You are truly blessed to have Pepper and Bryan in your life as well as all your friends. Enjoy every moment with them.

Mary Timme said...

Well, maybe close to the most blessed. But, I figured that was me, you see! Shucks, maybe we'll have to split it down the middle.

Carolyn said...

a lovely lovely post, thank you for sharing!

Lucy said...

You truly are a blessed woman and deservingly so.
i so enjoyed these photos and Bryans legs! haha
Your photo with your goddess friend, Benji, your cousins pics And all the beautiful Christmas photos just made this another wonderful glimpse into the loving, warm world of giggles! Your words to Pepper, put a lump in my throat. sending warm hugs xoxo

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