This is the little bag I made for my friend who has two daughters.
It's say "In the cookies of life, sisters are the chocolate chips"
We all know that's not always the case but as least some sisters are!
This is probably a story a lady shouldn't tell, but with reality television and all, I figure what the heck.... this is what happens when you get old.
I was trying to explain to the kids about my involuntary spontaneous combustion, or gassy assy during my lunch date yesterday. It's not like they don't experience this side of me in the confines of our home.... I couldn't verbally demonstrate the sound, because I was laughing so hard. I said to Bryan " think of it this way....IT WAS A SONG" I conveyed how my purse fell under the table, I bent over to retrieve butt started singin, A ...WHOLE.... VERSE long, and I couldn't get back up....that's the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth....I may have saved my friend the humiliation had I been able to pull myself upright in a quick motion.....of course...there she was, all head under the table......OMG.....I was just praying it wasn’t any relation to the one I let go in the garage before we left....which sounded off like the car backfiring, and mirrored the garbage can...after two weeks in the sun!
Soon as I pulled myself erect in the seat, I glanced around to see only one other Asian couple sitting directly behind my friend. They didn’t seem too affected, at least they weren’t holding their noses, or giggling. After I composed myself best I could, my friend and I laughed so hard we were almost crying.I wish I was a fly on the wall to hear her side of the story! Other than that, it was a great visit, the Italian food was excellent!

"Half the game is mental, and the other half is being mental. " Jim McKenny
Then a Gretzky quote " you miss one hundred percent of the shots you never take"
Made especially for the girl who has love hockey her whole life!
My pal gave me an entertainment coupon book she doesn't use. When I showed my daughter you'd think she won the lottery .........I've now dubbed her the "Crazy coupon lady" She was so tickled, organizing them into little piles of mine, and hers. Calling out each eatery and entertainment establishment offering a savings. It was hilarious watching how excited she got! ...She was so thrilled, I now know what to get for her next birthday....I figured out the scratch and win thing for Christmas....I guess a coupon book is next! I've always been one to economize whether I was flush or not.Unlike my daughter I would forget to use the coupons, by the time they got to the checkout counter they embarrassingly looked like they've been in dog fight. Glad to see my daughter respects every penny!
Oh how funny! I know someone who uses a ciggy lighter to create a flame-thrower.
OH! What terrific work and YES, maybe hocky is a metaphor for life!
Aloha Sherrie..
Oh she's a lucky girl, I love the bag you made me.. you're so talented!!
peace, Kai xx
I always blame the dogs. You crack me up..I tell my kids they are air bubbles.
Well, that was more than I really needed to know, but thanks for sharing your gassy experience. That wasn't me in the next booth either. Bwahahahahaha.
Have a terrific day. :)
Too funny!!! I LOVE a great laugh like that - good for the soul!! I love the bag you's absolutely darling!! Are you painting directly on the bag with acrylics?? Looks great!
LOL Why is gas so darn funny. My butt quacks when I laugh and then I'm on the floor busting a gut. lol
wait.... hahahahahahahahahahaha
okay.. no... wait..hahahahahahaaha
I LOVE YOU!! hahahahahaahah
Gassy assy, you have made me laugh. Great post.
Thank you for coming to my blog where my sister Shelly wrote about my birthday.
All the artwork on it is stolen, I'm ashamed to say. Yikes.
Renee xoxoxo
You are way too funny for words my dear. I was grinning like a loon while reading. How funny! The fly on the wall may have keeled over from laughing too!
I love your gassy story...I laughed so hard my stomach hurt. It's good to see a woman talking about this...we all do it, but woman like to hid that fact. BRAVO!!!
That was a great story. Loved the bag too!
I like that bag you made. I come by way of Renee's blog just to say hi, and howdy doo. That was funny what you said happened. Great blog, take care.
Congratulations on your blogaversary! Your friend is in my heartfelt prayers. Four years ago I was told my husband's cancer had returned and had metastasized, and he had 5 years left at most. After a month of unceasing prayer on my part, my friends, and many people I'lll never even meet, new test results indicated that the initial diagnosis was wrong; the test was wrong; he did not have cancer. Today he is still cancer free. So, yeah, I believe in the power of prayer. I'm convinced of it. I'd bet the farm on it. Keep praying for your sweet friend; I will.
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