With so much going on lately I missed International Woman's Day. I'd hoped to have a collage to accompany this post written for Sunday Scribblings on March 8th. My computer has been so slow, with many frustrating attempts it took forever to complete. It's still Women's History month so I thought I'd share it in the hopes of some feedback!
Sunday Scribbling prompt this week is "Do you have something you want to get off your mind?"
Written for March 8th 2009
Today is International Woman’s Day albeit we have come a long way in North America woman in less developed parts of the world are still suppressed. We're the lucky ones, with many opportunities at our feet, yet our own inhibitions can hold us back from being our true selves. Whether it’s voices of our family, from the media or judgment from our peers, we often suppress development of hidden talents, or unique skills because of insecurity or obligation to others. Sadly becoming our own worst enemy!
There are covert ways society has suppressed woman. Woman's Liberation in actuality cost women dearly. Instead of just taking on the home front, raising children and maintaining the home,with time left for self endeavours, women were freed to juggle a job, children, extended family while still keeping the house maintained, making it difficult to pursue dreams with mandatory obligations pounding at our front door. Families are now dependent on that second wage, and life in many ways has run amok.
I just heard on the news men embody the largest unemployed in
Now I ask, what are we really teaching our children? Do you see overwhelmed women in your circles? What about the men are they adapting to their new role? Is life better for Women? How many women share in wage parity with men?
I leave you with the International Woman's Day poem I wrote a few years ago and post here annually!
I am a woman, and I cry when no one can hear
I have huge dreams, I never share
I have fantasies, I dare not reveal
I have unrequited love, that is never recognized
I am the white noise in the home
Persistently preparing, repairing and doing at all times
I love deeply, with vision, constant hope, pride and joy
I have a relentless faith, in life, in god, in family, in future
I carry the burdens and secrets of others
Hold guilt to my heart, where empathy,
Forgiveness and optimism obstinately reside
Often suppressing passion, and creativity
I do my duties without fail, or resentment
I stand alone in my failures and regrets
I give, even when there is but a pittance
I get less, expect less, and take less, feeling like I am less
I am taken for granted, heard with rare acceptance
I am courageous, beyond my expectations
I am the unpaid teacher, waitress, homemaker, and psychologist
I am the solver of problems, and scarcely put first
I have thoughts, I feel ashamed to share
I have wants, I will never reveal
I have needs that no one will heed
I have a lonely soul, which I can not seem to feed
I am a woman, and I cry alone, about what isn’t
What will never be, what is lost, forgotten, not forgiven
Not recognized, or realized, or capitalized, I cry about
Poverty, and love forlorn, for loved ones, and love forgotten
I am a woman, resilient in majestic proportions,
I am a woman, of maternal magnificence
I am a woman, with imperial abilities
I am a unique woman, the queen of my family
And heart of my home!
I really loved this poem and I am in total agreement with your eloquent words. XXOO
This poem is AMAZING!!! I LOOOOVE IT! wow! There is so much truth in those words and much I can relate to as a mom of 4 and husband to 1. Thank you for your words and your way of putting them out there!
WOW! wait that is just NOT a big enough word... REMARKABLY RIGHT ON AND SO TRUE IT MOVED ME TO TEARS! You are so insightfully in tune to your soul sisters sweetie! I so so loved this sherrie and will be copying it so i can revisit it often!
We have come along way but I so agree that it costs dearly. It is like you've looked into my soul with this poignant beautifully expressed post. thanks Sherrie! xoxo
Your poem really resonated with me. I am wondering if you would allow me to share it with the women of my family. Every year we take 2 days and retreat to a hotel where we can be together. Generations intertwined. We love, laugh, learn and teach each other. I would love to give each of them a copy of your heart touching poetry if that is ok.
I have been away from your blog much to long so I'll be reading and catching up. I hope you are well.
Beautiful picture of your parents!
And that poem! Wow! You really caught what it is like to be a woman!
What a great poem! Fabulous! And I see you in your mom's face.
aha!!! --- another person who has found the path throught part of my mind and has translated it better than i could possibly have hoped --- i still ponder why women cry alone and don't often enough reach out for help --- this verse nails so many things BANG! right on --- thank you!!!
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