Dear Past me!
Dear Little Sherrie
I know your mother expects you to befriend children at school who are teased by others. Forgive her naivety. She couldn’t possibly know you’d be singled out in those ugly dated hand me downs she forced you to wear against your will. Don’t worry you’ll never do that to your children. Your mom holds a lot of credence in authority, a mindset you won’t have as an adult. You are learning dear child by her mistakes.

You’ll look back and realize you looked pretty cute, even though the spark is void in your eyes. It will return on the birth of your own offspring. This lonely sadness you feel now will foster a future heart for children. A profound empathy and understanding that will overtake you, turning you into a haven for kids forlorn! Don’t fret, happiness will be yours.
You are learning from what you live. Do not repeat mistakes of those adults in your midst dear one. You’re heart is so big, you care deeply that your mother works too hard, and that your brother is teased also. You are constantly helping and nurturing others without acknowledgment. Unfortunately this will continue into adulthood, some will take advantage of your patient nature. Don’t worry; stay kind and you will be rewarded ten fold.

Dear Future me
Dear Ms Giggle Goddess
You have come a long way baby! Evolving into the woman you were always meant to be. An Artist, a children’s author illustrator! Never imagining this is where you’d be today. When you felt the dream of being a musician die, you gave up and chased the money instead. Oh it was fulfilling for a time. You were fiscally more comfortable than your friends, but sincerely you had big chunks of void nestled in your soul.You worked too hard, played too hard, chasing empty happiness.

Your mother belonged to a generation that took hand-me-downs for granted.I hope they never have to become the norm for you. You looked pretty, anyhow.
Ouch, I feel a lot of empathy for your Past Me! It's painful to look back at yourself as a child hurting, isn't it? I have wept for the child me, and it was cathartic and helped me to let go.
I'm glad your Past Me made it through to adulthood and found fulfilment, even though it took a long, long time.
Nicely done! :)
yes happiness is always within but how to cultivate? that's the tricky part; to unlock the key!
Brava! Brava! We all have so much in common, and yet the differences are supreme...your letters are superb!
This brought a tear to my eye! I love how you spoke to your past self as a little girl; the tone is perfect! And hurray! for becoming the woman you are today! Yes, that is the true happiness!
Love your drawing, too!
little giggs and big giggs.. ADORABLE!!
No one can love the children we used to be as well as we can when we grow up!
You've told a moving past story and such an optimistic positive Giggling future tale.
I can't wait to hear more about ur illustrations for a children's book!! holy cow! that is FantASTIC!
happiness is truly within and even your painting about it is so happy!
you trekked right through my heart as you wrote to your child - how easily i see the void of a lifespark in pictures of my child --- for now i find it missing again, but the letter from your future tells me that perhaps i will recapture the spark somewhere along the line --- wonderful post!!!
You must really be looking forward to future you!Lovely post.
Funny I know, but I was jealous of kids that had hand me downs because they had brothers and sisters and I didn't.
Your past You waa so cute that I'll bet hardly anybody noticed the hand-me-down clothes. I have long been an admirer of your artwork on the format of your blog and on Lucy's. Have fun with your art, both present and future!
lovely ~ following that path that our soul urges us to take can be pretty powerful!
That second pic freaked me out, we looked alike at that age. Beautiful letters that are so YOU! XXOO
holy cats, truly rich alright!
Poor Past Me. In the end, though, you have to admit you were made stronger by it. Right? Right?
That was a fabulous post. So personal. I don't think I could write the "dear past me" part. You did a great job!
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