Sunday Scribblings Prompt "Adult"

There have been people in my world believed to be adults, yet emotionally immature! These adults are dissuaded from their parental role of directing and correcting by ingesting personal insults dealt by juvenile behaviors. Seems unreasonable to expect children to elicit mature perspectives in a verbal skirmish, without guidance or experience.

I look back on my childhood. Dad reasoned. I respected his word hating to disappoint him. Screaming in frustration, Mother flew into a rage, chasing us in the heat of the moment. It wasn’t hard to outwit or outrun her! I ducked many a smack; resulting in broken blood vessels as her hand missed flesh for counters, cupboards and walls!
Nasty things I quipped at thirteen were held against me well into my thirties, never resolved before she died. Unable to recognize my childhood defenses she expected an adult standard from me. Somehow my behavior reduced her to a bantering school mate on the playground. Although wise and responsible in many aspects mom could be emotionally immature.
Many people appear to be adults, unequipped to deal with life and parenting with an emotionally healthy perspective. Sadly roles get muddied and children are the losers. The older I get the more I realize there are distinct rights of passage into adulthood. One is emotional maturity. Putting our own emotional weaknesses aside to counsel and guide our children out of adolescence is the adult thing to do!
Sometimes I wonder if people would parent with more caution and dignity, if they knew everything they did and said would be recorded forever.
adult relationship with your children!
Oh! Great pictures, all of them :)
emotional maturity! absolutely! so much said in a few lines Sherrie.
Too sad, how many immature parents are causing indelible memories in their wounded children.
so moving. so adult.
I love u
been there.
unfortunately these days it is a result of babies having babies. Adulthood is forced but not accepted.
unfortunately these days it is a result of babies having babies. Adulthood is forced but not accepted.
unfortunately these days it is a result of babies having babies. Adulthood is forced but not accepted.
So true!
Lots of truth to your words!
And great picturs. Your daughter is beautiful!
I think of the insanity in my greater family of aunts, uncles and cousins many times removed as I was growing up. I didn't think it was that unusual to have to watch every word because we were visiting "X" person! It doesn't seem to have changed that much to me. We were all brought up in insanity. I do have to say, yours was pretty darned pathetic. But look at Pepper and your 'revenge!'
I've never heard my own mother described so perfectly. You are lucky with Pepper. I'm still waiting on mine. :)
BTW When do you swap tiles? I'm too scared to skip a turn. Dave cannot help me in Scrabble even when stuck. I love learning from you and don't mind losing. lol
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