Still not Guilt free
My friend Lucy blogged about her dance of intimacy with guilt and her mom. As a woman I can’t tell you how I could relate. Seems like there is so much guilt around getting things done and being everything to everyone. I have heard several young woman call their moms selfish or weird when they hit menopause. It struck a chord with me. How long must a woman go on serving the world and her children? All the driving, extra curricular activities, holiday preparation, cooking, cleaning, cuddling, and coddling, being present, a woman does, when she finally scales back because she has menopausal sleep lapses, or malaise or just plain wants her life back, she gets criticized and she feels guilt for it!! If a woman leaves a party early, doesn’t attend every requested family event, or opts out of volunteering to host a large celebration she shouldn‘t have to feel hoards of guilt.Eventually it's time to pass the torch!!! If she chooses to travel, explore quilting, art, music, golfing or whatever else has been left on the back burner for years, she should be supported, guilt free in her choices! Really, when does the guilt end??? Thankfully I have support for my creative endeavors, however many aren't!! Tell me what you guilt you feel pressured by??
I feel guilty that in my attempt to give my girls a 2 parent family until they grew up that I have taught them to settle. To spend too much time with a person who does not love you or get you.
I feel guilty that in my attempt to give my girls a 2 parent family until they grew up that I have taught them to settle. To spend too much time with a person who does not love you or get you.
thanks for the support sweet one!
You are SO right about women being judged as selfish when they FINAlLY stand up and decide to LIVE for themselves a little bit.. Not only by their kids but by OTHER women! I hate when women don't support women.. KNOW the WHOLE story ladies before making an assumption about what kind of mom that woman your gossiping about really is!
anyway.. GREAT question to end with..
As u could tell from the post you so sweetly referred to..
i feel guilty about SO much.. BUT.. one of the biggest guilts that pressures me..Is the feeling that I must Do EVerYTHING the polite and correct way.. MUST send those thank-you notes out right away, MUST return phone calls,reciprocate invitations,acknowledge milestones, remember EVERY ones 'things' they have going on.. etc...etc... Pitiful, no?
Enjoying myself.
Why should I feel guilty for simple pleasures? Perhaps I was taught that women should be long suffering....
What the? They messed with me but
guess what I'm having fun anyway!
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