Quote of The Day

Monday, March 22, 2010

Sunday Scribblings " Demands"

Sunday Scribblings prompt this week is "Demands so they  ask " if you were a mega ridiculous superstar on tour - what would your demands be?"

Not  exactly a  demanding person, but one who enjoys  peace and takes pride in my family and friends. I would hire all my goddesses to stave off the  unpleasantness of paparazzi and such.  Also have them around for  their loyalty, support, wise words, great company and  amazing humour!  I would assure they come with me by offering them a great wage package including  pension and generous  perks. 

My girls usually know  my needs and can be  counted on  to either make great cuisine or find a place that serves it! 

Included in my demands would be  wireless internet, plus access to  television with documentaries and news worthy talk shows. My kids would have to be there too or near by. When all was said and done, they'd get loads  of time to explore  whatever cities we landed in. Some days we'd  see plays together, shop, lunch, hot tub, hit the beach and giggle until we cried. But  we'd also have time with self,  because we know there is no place like OM!

   This is a birthday card  made for my friend who really needs
to schedule down time to pursue more creative endeavours!


Queen-Size funny bone said...

how cute

Stan Ski said...

Good to see your demands include the needs of others too.

Lucy said...

your 'demands' just go to show the huge heart you have! xox
love your pic on the card to your friend!

linda may said...

I would like to demand you share some of that with me :)

Tumblewords: said...

A fine gathering of goddessi! I love the card and your wonderful art - the warm and friendly photos!

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