Quote of The Day

Friday, July 22, 2011

Paint Party Friday #19

It's my favorite post of the week! Paint Party Friday #19!! 
 This little painting was done at a real live paint party at my friend Violettes studio for my friends 50th birthday back in March. At first I really didn't like it. But as it sits in my family room I realize how much the mouth and hair remind me of my daughter!
This was done in the  studio and the above was finished up at home. As you will see with my chair I constantly paint over things I don't like!
Evolution of my first chair. 
Haven't had time to paint this week. Except for a few hours. I changed the rim and added hearts to the rungs. I also darkened the bottom rungs, but don't like the middle so it will be changed yet again!! I am enjoying doing it, but it's really time consuming!

Read ahead for what's been on my mind this week!

A few days ago local news station  did a piece on an extreme couponer here in Canada. Resulting in the young woman being  harassed by negative sarcastic comments on her face book page. Not only does this girl save  her household heaps of money she donates eighty percent of her stash, runs a face book page sharing  insider secrets and weekly bargains. Still people manage to call her a hoarder, ocd and criticize her bad spelling.

She may not be the  best writer, or speller for that matter. I  suspect even a  possible learning disability. Still she is clever enough to save her family piles of money, put food on the table at a fraction of the cost and kindly share how she does it! I don’t understand why people feel the need to demean her!

We don’t know the home environment she was raised in. She may not have had the opportunities that some of her readers have. Is spelling such a big deal when a woman saves her family thousands of dollars  a year and is able to communicate to others how she does it?   Is that a bad thing? I think not!

Years ago I balked at a cousin who stood in line using coupons. Even though I was a frugal cherry picker (only bought what’s on sale) I was still embarrassed to stand in line with my coupon using  cousin. Now I proudly stand behind my daughter and watch in amazement as she too saves lots of money using coupons, and also donates a large majority to the local women’s shelters!

Manufacturers encourage people to use coupons. For all those who never use  coupons, and I am one of them. Others take our place buying a few extras.   In fact we have tried products we’d never otherwise have tried  had my daughter not got them free! Many items I now use regularly!
Happy Paint party people, and enjoy your weekend!


WrightStuff said...

Hope your family like these and they are not banished to the garage! I love all the happy colours and feel about them.

Theresa Plas said...

WooHooo! Super love for color! Happy PPF!

Unknown said...

I love all the color and movement in these paintings- beautiful work!
Happy PPF,

Abela said...

I like the orange colors of the second, and that chair looks great already. Regards

GlorV1 said...

Happy Paint Party to you too Giggles. I love your name, tee hee. I like the piece "Dance", it does show movement and texture and lots of great color. Your chair is looking excellent. Some day I will get to mine, hehehehe. Have a great weekend.

Joni Nickrent said...

Love your painting...what an awesome gift for your friend! And the chair BEAUTIFUL! New follow from PPF! Happy Creating! POP ART MINIS

carol l mckenna said...

Love your art work and style ~ thanx ^_^

New to PPF ~ Hope you will come visit at Share the Creative Journey and A Creative Harbor ~ thanx ^_^

SHERI COOK said...

I enjoy your bold embrace of colors! You seem to have FUN creating! Happy couponing and PPF!!

Janet said...

I like both your paintings. They're full of color and movement and life! The chair looks awesome! I can just imagine a set of them around the table.

Helen said...

Such lovely bright colours and I love the dance picture. And your chair? Wow!!! Happy PPF x

Netty said...

Happy PPF. Loving your painting and your wonderful chair, brilliant work. Annette x

She Who Doodles said...

isn't it amazing how cruel people can be. here's a story about somebody that is doing something smart and all the public can do is tear her down. she'll win in the end. hopefully she won't let this negative feed back stop her.

also, love your art pieces.

Anonymous said...

Such wonderful colourful pieces and I love that chair - very funky! I have no problem using coupons, in fact our local supermarket gives them out quarterly when we use our loyalty points card each time we shop - what's not to love about saving money especially in today's ever more depressing and never ending recession?? Happy PPF

Elisa said...

Lovely painting .. very girlish and playful.. and that chair is looking more fabulous as always! Happy PPF!

gma said...

Hi Sherry
Nice to run into you at PPF! Of course you know I am a long time fan of your words and art! Hey maybe I'll be back in BC one of these days.
Love ya!

EVA said...

Dance is a wonderful painting! Love the colours! I seem to love all the colours you use.

Your chair is looking great. So fun to hear you are having live paint parties with your friends!

Kristin Dudish said...

A real live painting party? Fantastic!!! That sounds like so much fun - what a great way to celebrate a birthday!

I am loving the progression of this chair - It is so fun to see what changes every week :)

I really don't understand what possesses people to be so cruel... I hope that wonderfully resourceful girl doesn't take any of that negativity to heart.


Unknown said...

I love your art...you really know how to put color out there and make it work. eye-candy I'll call it! Love the happy chair too

Marlene said...

Love the painting and your chair is amazing. I use coupons when I can and my daughter is a big fan of extreme couponing, and yes in this day of high prices and bad economy every little bit helps. Kudos to the gal for aharing her knowledge.

Geckostone said...

Both paintings are beautiful and I love the chair!!!! Yes i say nothing wrong with bad spelling, jeez give the gal a break! Makes me all paranoid to watch my own better now,lol!Or stand behind her and do it on purpose! Were all one ya know anyway! Mitak Oyasin!Deb

Melisa said...

Oh that orange one is so...juicy delicious!

Why would anyone harass someone for trying to save money? And the ability to spell is not a very good measure of intelligence. Some can spell well and some can't. We should all do the best we can with what we have and it sounds like that is exactly what she is doing.

carlarey said...

You have such a wonderful way with color. I love how bold and bright all your work is.

Jenn Girl said...

I love that you painted your chair! Also love all the bright colors!

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