Quote of The Day

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Paint Party #21 amalgamated with Self Portrait Challenge

Paint Party Friday #21 and Violettes Self Portrait Challenge amalgamated.
Well Violettes challenge turns out is a self portrait challenge. So I ended up putting this one together, hand drawn, painted with watered down acrylics! Wish my hair was that color...  Sadly the first self portrait I did ended up over worked and ugly. So I didn't post it! Truthfully I am so sick of myself that I was kind of doing regular fun portraits from the inside out in cartoon fashion. Pretty much how I do everything.... Not sure I want to look at my photo or in the mirror and draw me!! Instead I am mixing it up a bit. It's taking me in a different direction than expected. I am just letting words and creativity flow free and fast! Blogging is quick and easy. Albeit lacking substance! 
I  can tell a persons character by how they act  in difficult situations. Character really is  more important  than appearances. I've been fooled by judging from the outside in. Now I  take a closer look at a persons disposition, it tells me a bundle about who they really are!

Have you been duped into thinking someone was scrupulous because of how they appeared?   Happy Paint Party, hop on over to Violettes blog and give her self portrait challenge a try!


GlorV1 said...

I like it. Your piece is fullof spirit and wonderful color. Nice. I think I will pop on over to her blog to visit. Thanks. Have a great rest of the week and Happy PPF. I haven't posted my ppf yet, later this evening. Take care.

J C said...

Love the hair color!!

Andrea C said...

Fantastic hair, great work. I know what you mean I hate looking at myself too so a self portrait would be a real challenge for me, but I think you have done a fantastic job. x

Anonymous said...

Funny I was just thinking yesterday that I might do a self portrait for my blog avatar as my hair's growing out and I don't really look the same as my current pic anymore! I love these colourful cartoon style portraits and I totally agree that the inside of a person counts for so much more than the outside (especially when so many folk change the outside with botox and whatnot these days!!)How someone acts is much more important than how they look. Happy ppf!

Valerie-Jael said...

Happy Paint Party Friday to you too, love your self portrait! I used to have my hair done with all sorts of stripey colours when I was younger, perhaps I should do it again! Valerie

Unknown said...

I am loving the top SP its full of fun & colour as I imagine you are to. glad your playing along. We can always find fault with our own OS appearance but Your so right it's def what we do that makes us who we are. Actions speak loud and clear. This is why I love the film Shallow Hal it is really important we give people a chance to show who they are ;0) Dxx

Nicola said...

You're self portrait is fabulous!!! So full of character and energy! :0) Love it!

Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

I love both your portrait. It's actually all about the process more then what comes out. So no need to stress about it.:) And cartoons are always fun!

carol l mckenna said...

Love them both ~ full of character and color ~ Yep ~ 'Actions speak louder than words.' ~ Happy PPF ~ Carol from (Share the Creative Journey) ^_^

carlarey said...

Love your portrait. I wish my hair was that color too!

Unknown said...

Love the self portraits...if they are anything to go by...your a happy colourful fun person... Oh yes I've been totally wrong about people due to their appearance... the old saying is so true... "you can't judge a book by it's cover"...

Dreamer said...

Love it, it really shows your essence! The real you is even more beautiful :)

Netty said...

Loving both the portraits. They share one common theme, this lady is full of love. Happy PPF, Annette x

EVA said...

Fun self portraits!! Love your hair! And the colours of both pieces.

Jaime Haney said...

OH don't you know it! I think we've all been duped at one time or another. Character and integrity seems to not be so easily found anymore. I love your self portrait and that hair is fabulous! That cartoon should be made into a magnet and on everyone's fridge :)

I love your painting style :)
Happy PPF!

Unknown said...

oh what fun!!! I love self portraits!!! and the colours really pop!!!! Happy PPF!!!!!

A'n'G Johnson said...

there are times I struggle with my appearance. I've gained a ton of weight over the last few years. But at the same time, I feel happier with who I am and what I'm doing. I even have more confidence then when I was what "ideal" is supposed to look like. So I'm slowly starting to embrace this heavier me. and thats what counts. loving oneself.

Queen-Size funny bone said...

well aren't you a cutiepatootie.

Heather Foust said...

Love your self portraits!! I will have to go to Violettes blog and check it out.
You know I think we all have been fooled by someone. Probably more because we want them to be the person that they are not. Live and learn that all I have to say about that.
Happy PPF!

SHERI COOK said...

The self-portrait expresses a colorful fun spirit with a touch of fun! I like it! HAPPY PPF!

Geckostone said...

OMG, can I ever relate to what you said about doing the self portrait and getting " sick of me in the mirror" LOL, I just don't know if I could do it! I absolutely love the way both of yours came out though! They are beautiful and I love the cartoon effect, I'll have to try that! Its amazing the second one looks just like my best friend Cindy!!! I just love both of them, great job lil lady!!!!Deb

Anne Butera said...

What fun self portraits! And I couldn't agree more.

Happy Paint Party Friday!

Cre8tiveQueen said...

I love your self portraits! Thanks for the link to your friends blog... I love it! Self portraits are tough... I've never really done one! Just might have to try now!!
Have an amazing weekend!
Lots of love,

Melisa said...

I like these portraits. It would be fun to have such colorful hair for a little while!

Kristin Dudish said...

Definitely words to live by! I love your fun colors (it would be great to have hair that color)!


Elisa said...

giggles i love her.. and you! Love the colors of her hair and she is filled with fun:) May you love yourself more! happy ppf!

Forgetfulone said...

Excellent! I think as we grow older, we learn to read people differently. I love that painting! How fun is that? You should totally color your hair like that, too. Why not?

Gerri Herbst said...

Just love your style and bright colors. Wonderful self portrait.. Happy PPF, a little late.take care, gerri

Annabelle said...

Love both and they truly have a unique vibrancy to them.Maybe I should dye my hair....been thinking about it lately: )

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

I´d like to have my hair coloured like that too! :D
Great take on the self portraits.

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