Quote of The Day

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday Scribblings " Forward|

Imagine how I felt to find this art van parked next to me when I came out of the grocery store last week!! My daughter and I all but did a happy dance!!
This weeks Sunday scribblings prompt is "Forward"!!

Yesterday evening, while driving I witnessed a wholesome young man running for the bus only to almost reach his destination  to have the  bus blatantly pull away. There is no possible way that driver didn’t see the young man on the tail of his bus. With huge side mirrors certainly he saw him running to beat all hell! I was so sad for the young fellow. I even wondered if the driver did it on purpose. Not quick to ire, I was livid for almost an hour. This has happened to my adult kids too, and continues as they often wait quite a while for a light to turn on the very  busy street so they can cross.  This would have never happened in my day! Drivers looked around to see who was coming and often waited as we diligently ran. They addressed you as you smiled with gratitude thanking them profusely. What a different world we live in!!
We’d like to encourage people to take transit and respect bus drivers and yet it’s nasty acts like this that leave people frustrated  with the system. With our  government owned insurance companies spending thousands of dollars if not millions on a campaign to have drivers be more courteous and kind on the roads then why doesn’t it start with transit?  

I ended up beside the driver at a light, he seemed distracted as his head was turned to the side, not to the towards the road. Wish he'd been traveling behind this art van!  I can only hope the next bus came sooner than the usual thirty minutes between buses. I think transit drivers should be forced to read this blog and take on this challenge!  It would make for some forward thinking… Maybe there would be less disdain in the world!!! 

I hope my trickled in happy photos placed a bit of humor into this scribbling!


totomai said...

oh yes, some drivers are rude but some are good and respectful too. i think its happening all over the world.

loved the last photo

GlorV1 said...

Oh wow, do I remember these little vans all painted up. I love them!! How lucky you were to run across one and even luckier that you had your camera with you. Way to go!! Yes, I've seen that happen when bus drivers don't wait for the person or persons that are running for the bus to wait for them. I would feel sad having seen that too. Enjoyed your sunday scribblings.)) Have a wonderful day, I'm going to go hang clothes. Take care.

Linda Jacobs said...

Love that van! And felt sorry for that poor guy! Sometimes, nowadays, we are just too impatient and inconsiderate.

Old Egg said...

Yes, the transit van was a treat. Luckily not all bus drivers are mean spirited. The only good thing about it is the lesson that life is like catching a bus...it can be unreliable!

gautami tripathy said...

Wonderful verse....

hinder the tremors

keiths ramblings said...

I've had similar experiences the world over. A bus in India ran over my toe once! Love that van: takes me back to the 60's!

Kristin Dudish said...

This is such a great van! Maybe if all buses were painted like this people would be kinder to each other :)

I also love what you did to your jewelry box - the dotty details are fantastic!


Jess said...

My local bus drivers do this, very rude and almost power crazy! I took a bus on the other side of Town a couple of months ago and they were smiling yes smiling and were very friendly! There is hope. :)xx

Laurie Linn said...

It happens where I am too - drivers are so wrapped up in themselves they fail to be kind and considerate. BUT . . .on a happy note - the painted bus is fabulous. I can totally understand why you did the happy dance. I have always wanted to paint an entire care or van. How much fun would that be!

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