I didn't accomplish much to share this week. Plus I now have
a stomach virus. Thankfully this was done a few days ago!
Nothing is more frustrating than being misconstrued in any discussion! My contribution to a conversation is something to be considered as food for thought nothing more. Not advice, critique, or otherwise. I'm at a point in my life I really don't care how people live their life! As long as it's not violent or abusive! I have stories to share. If I can apprise anyone of new information that can pertain to their life I'm glad to help! If anyone can learn something from my mistakes I'm thrilled.There are many things we don't fully understand until we experience it! I can certainly attest to that!
Feisty Birds |
After living half a century I would expect a person to have loads of experience and wisdom under their belt. There may even be a few important things to pass on if people are open to it! However, living in defense mode, assuming others are judging you, or telling you how to live, there is no room to learn anything new. If I've stepped in dog poo I certainly don't want anyone else to walk that same poo path! I'd rather warn people of what's ahead...so they can decide if they want to chance scraping crap off their shoes that could possibly seep into the stitching and ruin their shoes! Most will appreciate the warning!
I studied the parenting skills of those who parented before me so I could pick and choose what might would work best for me! I also used my own common sense and intuition after reading piles of non fiction! I've also been a great observer of human nature! I often wonder if the many faces and bodies that appear in my digital art are some of those I have once observed for complete amusement!
Do you ever feel misunderstood? What do you do?
Mike Rowes viral video is so funny. His 80 year old mom sent him an email because she couldn't get a hold of him! She is such a prolific writer and shows you are never too
old to find your craft! It's well worth the 10 minutes!!
The second part where he talks about his parents
response to this viral video is here in the link and also so
funny! My favorite part is that his mom finally
knows she's a fabulous writer...
knows she's a fabulous writer...
That'a fun video, what a fantastic old lady. Stay as you are, as Shakespeare said, 'Be true to yourself!' Hope you soon feel better, hugs, Valerie
Lovely post and a fun video Giggles! Get well soon!
Happy PPF!!!
Learning from the mistakes of others is part of growing wiser. Those who won't listen will learn (hopefully!) from their own mistakes. Unfortunately, they have to go through the pain of those mistakes when they could have seen it in others. Oh, well.
Hope you feel better soon.
I am 70 years old and never too old to learn new things. My dad gave me the best advice. "You will never have all the answers in this life but never stop asking questions." I learn from everyone I meet and especially am learning more about art from my PPF and other artist friends. You definitely make me smile.
Oh, those feisty birds are so cute! I love them! Hope you will feel better soon, a stomach virus is no fun ...
We all learn differently and unfortunately, some have to stumble before they learn. Loved your video and your indomitable spirit. Hope the bug is gone. Happy PPF
Pretty artwork, Sherrie. I do hope you are feeling better real soon. thanks for the hilarious video. I got a few belly laughs out of it.
I am so sorry to hear about your stomach. Sending healing energy your way. Fun Video and lovely art. Take it easy and get better. Hugs Nicole
Great video will have to share this thx!
And feel better soon!
this is amazingly timely for me bc I have just witnessed a friendship sundered by one person's inability to take construtive criticism to heart, and the other person's criticism possibly possessing personal frustration which injured person A. From the outside it was a situaiton long coming, but also the sort of thing that you just KNOW that unless the ppl involved were really committed to the relationship or self improvement (in the case of Person A), the fissure should not have occurred
It is a gift that is not often welcome, that of receiving others' wisdom, on the other hand everyone is destined to live their life and follow their path, and refusing to follow it due to fear of 'messing up' can be pretty diminishing to oneself
thanks again for wonderful thoughts!
I stole your video and put it on my Face Book page ... as an Old Poop, I can relate and haven't had such a good laugh in days. As for misconstruing ... it is amazing how difficult communication can be. I say one thing and my husband (who should know better because he has lived with me for 52 years) hears something totally different. We all interpret based on our own experience ... so if we misinterpret what you say, it is our own fault, not yours. You know what you are saying, we just mold it into what we expect or want to hear. I think countries have probably gone to ware over that kind of miscommunication ... life is strange that way :)
Andrea @ From Th Sol
I think your wisdom always shines through in all your posts. Your advice is always measured and non judgmental. Hope your feeling better soon x
Just listened to Mike talking about all the attention his video has gotten and the reaction of his mother and father to his 350,000 new face book comments!
New look to your art work ~ lovely and hope you feel better soon!
Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^
Hope you recover soon. Thanks for the fun video. Love the birds :)
Happy weekend xx
Oh gosh, stomach virus, eaugh. Hope you are better. Pretty cup painting.
I totally agree with you, that wisdom comes from life experiences and from truly listening to others. It's not the lack of mistakes we make, but what we learn from them that makes us strong. Blessings, my freind!
Sending get well wishes your way! Your artwork is fantastic! Always enjoy your colorful artwork!
Great post. Food for thought. Very funny video!
Once again, Giggles, you have hit the nail on the head.
I've discovered that people don't like getting advice, even my very best advice, haha!, they would rather carry on doing it the way they want. Also, if you want to be thoroughly misunderstood, conversing via email is the way to go.
Sorry to hear you have not been feeling too good. Hope all is better now.
Love your teacups!! :)
I am loving the tea cups. And glad the stomach virus is gone. I know what you mean. Seems I am always being misconstrued. Drives me nuts but I think as long as I try to make an effort to be clear, then it is the other person's misconstruing to take me the wrong way. Well at least sometimes. have a wonderful week Giggles. Hugs-erika
Let it out! :) I guess the beauty of individuals all being so different also brings all our different points of view. If someone doesn't want to hear what you have to say with an open heart, then let them step in the dog poo and find their own way. :)
I like your teacups. Hope you are feeling better.
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