Quote of The Day

Friday, November 23, 2012

Paint Party Friday "Not Alone"

Original acrylic

It's been a very rough week.  We  all have them. Funny thing was the first blog I read when I was at my lowest had the quote...."You are not alone." Life continued on, and for the first time in my fifty six years lightening literally struck right beside the car I was driving..... Cupcake almost peed her pants! It was loud, powerful and scary! In that moment I was reminded  there are many things in life beyond our control. For whatever reason difficult situations are placed in our midst to test us, teach us, or show us a new path.

 I am a cup half full girl,  I always try to find the sprinkle of positive in each situation no matter how dire. So  this week I turned to gratitude, finding the snippets of grace in a difficult situation. By the way Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends, being Canadian I celebrated Thanksgiving last month. But seriously there is never enough gratitude when you are fortunate enough to be born in Canada or North America for that fact! 
 While traveling through a few more  blogs,  again I read, "You are not alone." It lifted me up, and gave me new perspective. Things got much brighter. I thought of how lucky I am to be alive, that this was just a glitch  I would get through, because " I am not Alone"
 A few days later I turned on the T.V. and heard a group singing the lyrics, "you are not alone." Normally I wouldn't have watched that station, but I was lured in long enough to hear the song  I needed to hear!

 Then last night I watched an intense hour drama. "You'll never be alone!" was the last line in the script.  Reminding me of a favorite song I sang as a child.  "You'll never walk alone" I tried to find a modern version to no avail...but this is beautiful!
 I've always known  I'm never alone, and in most situations I literally love being alone!! I have loving supportive friends and family that are always there for me. However this weeks message seemed deeper, more meaningful, something I needed to hear. A wonderful reminder that " I am not alone." I'm hoping whoever clicks on my blog this week may need this same message of comfort too!

How about you, have you ever received  a message  you weren't expecting,  but it appeared just as you needed it?

This is my contribution to the wonderful Paint party Friday where gifted artists gather to support each other!  Check them out and join in too!! It really is a special group!!

My heart goes out to a fellow blogger Pauline who lost her  beautiful mother on Saturday. Another fellow Canadian Pauline  always shares profound posts and artwork. I cried like a baby when I saw her moms face, knowing the pain Paulines dealing with. It put my week in perspective. I hope she's is able to find healing in her artwork.  

Wishing you all a happy paint party friday and a safe creative  week ahead!



Janet said...

This is such a beautiful post. I do believe that things come to us when we need them most. Hearing those words at just the right time made you feel better.

Big hugs to you!!

PiaRom said...

Wonderful post about beeing alone. I found that if you can´t enjoy being alone, than you arenßt able to love ;) I love the first tree the most!!

Netty said...

Terrific post and loving your artwork, happy PPF, Annette x

Ginny said...

This was a beautiful post. Such strong words. Every time I read them I felt like they were being said just to me. Interesting.

I hope your weekend brings lots of joy to you and your family.

Faye said...

Dear precious Giggles, besides writing "you are loved" in the dust on the coffee table, I can't think of a clearer way of receiving a message from heaven than having "you are loved" appear just when you need to hear it. And not just once, but over and over again. I'm so glad you were alert and wise and received that message. Your post was such a spirit lifter, my dear. and as usual your colorful art is amazing and beautiful.

aimee said...

you will reach many hearts this week with your painted thoughts... so sensitive, wonderful, and affirming! xo

Christine said...

very inspiring art today, thank you for the words of hope! We all need them from time to time!

JKW said...

This is truly a beautiful post. Sometimes we need to hear it a number of times to get the message. Yes, I have been struck in the same way with a word, a song or a person that needed to be in my life at that moment. Blessings, Janet PPF

sharon said...

Very inspiring post it really hits you when you get that unexpected message, glad that you listened to it because no one is ever alone no matter what they think.

Lisabella Russo said...

What a very scary thing to have happen. I'm so glad you're both okay. You really have an excellent perspective. I think your angel girls are full of charm!

Jez said...

A beautiful colourful comment, Giggles, and you were clearly being sent a supportive message. And how cab you be alone when so many of us are always thinking of you from a distance!
And here's a coincidence. I love your art quote today. Then I saw it was by Philip Guston, and I had never heard of him until last week - and have even mentioned him on my current post!

But ....... Wha-hey man, we feel pretty fortunate to live in England too!

bellefrogworks said...

I am by nature a cup half empty girl - but knowing I'm never alone gives me a great deal of optimism that isn't natural to me. I often find that God provides me with a wonderful message just when I most need it. I was very touched by your lovely post and love your colorful artwork as always.

carlarey said...

Isn't it amazing that once you quiet your mind and start to listen for the advice you need, you begin to see and hear it everywhere?

Glad to hear that you found such an uplifting message when you needed it most.

Jez said...

Sorry to use your comment box for a message, but I don't know how else to say thank you for your so thoughtful and perceptive comment on my latest post. As soon as I read it I understood what you had seen - the reason the child is there. Yes, of course!

In fact I did paint another brush/ink drawing in the class, called 'Strange Fruit', but thought people might not recognise that it was my statement against racism, so didn't post it.

Thank you again. Means a lot to me. Jez XXX

K J D said...

The lightning strike must have been so scary.... makes you think all sorts of deep things!

I'm glad you got to hear so often the message that you are not alone.... you really aren't!

I almost forgot (!) - great art!!!!!


Anne Manda said...

Great synchronicity, universe gave you a message! Lovely post and awesome art! The colors! <3

GlorV1 said...

Very nice post. Your work is always colorful and amazing. Thanks so much.

Ritu Dua said...

Not only is your art bright and cheerful but your post too is equally wonderful :)

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Like always I adore your color choices. :) Love those girls especially. :)

denthe said...

That is so striking that you were confronted with these words so many times just when you needed it! It might be that depending on how you're feeling you're just more open to certain words or expressions than other times. It's like when you're pregnant, all of a sudden you see pregnant women everywhere, or when you've experienced a loss, all the songs you hear seem to be about loss and sadness. Maybe our mind just goes in search of something that comforts us, that make us feel that others out there are experiencing the same things. I love your art again this week. Bold and beautiful .... Hope your next days won't be as rough ... ♥

Unknown said...

You are definitely NOT ALONE! I think the universe was trying to tell you something this week + what a powerful message to receive.

I love all your creations this week - especially the angels

I hope you have a better week x

Denise Mulligan said...

What a lovely message to give to us. Thank you. I love being alone too. But sometimes we need the deeper message that we are not a lone speck in a cold universe. There is love surrounding us. In the atmosphere flowing from one person to the next and next. It is holding us all together. Love for other people, compassion for our friends online. We need to promote and express our love for one another. Even when we don't think they deserve it...those are the ones who need it the most.

Your love and compassion for others shines through your writing. Thank you for that.

P.S. You make the most amazing eyes and your angels look so expressive. Love them!

peggy aplSEEDS said...

thank you for this beautiful post. it is art that has inspiring messages and reminders like this that i love the most. thank you!

janice smith said...

Wow. When you hear a message again and again like that you really must take notice! Truth is, I needed to hear those words as well today. Thank you. Your beautiful paintings, the songs, and your words have touched me deeply. Happy AEDM.

J C said...

Words of wisdom! And the color in your artwork makes me happy.

Gloria j Zucaro said...

A thoughtful and inspirational post again this week. I love all the different colorful paintings this week. You are definitely not alone!

pauline said...

oh Giggles... ((HUGS))... i am only now reading this and feel nothing but love for you. i only wish i were closer so i could knock on your door and hug you in person (rather than virtually). You are such a compassionate person - my heart skipped a beat when i saw your comment about my mom and i too, cried. THANK YOU. You've reminded me (once again), that i am also, not alone. LOVE to you... xox

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