Quote of The Day

Friday, January 11, 2013

Sabotage Monster, Paint Party Friday

What a week this has been. Eleven days into a new mind set and I swear the sabotage monster is out to get me!!! Still, I persevere. A crisis call,  sad news from a relative and some intervention.  Still I stay focused. All the while the jelly bellies sit but a few feet away whispering EAT ME, in unison, all 36 flavors.  Instead I ask myself, could I eat an apple now. The answer is always no, I push the jelly bellies away!! Yeah ME!!!
 So  far I have kept to my word of doing one small task a day, utensil drawer, a makeup drawer, a large tupperware cupboard,  a makeup drawer and programing a new cordless phone.....again.... Yeah Me!! While I must continue for at least 21 days to make this a permanent habit, like I did seven years ago with blogging. Regrettably I only blog once a week now because frankly  I get a little sick and tired of myself at times!! But I'm still here!!

So my News Years plan is going well except for those few  very big worrisome glitches. Then yesterday I  attempt  to bring a bit of laundry up the stairs. I am so proud of myself,  not having to hold the railing since my hip is on a good day!!
But it's dark at the top of the stairs,  my toe caught on the last step. I fell flat on my face!! Oh yes I did.... and I'm a bigun too!! So you know how that went down...Fast and hard.....not good. The noises were nasty...but I heard those same scary noises in the  morning when my bones cracked five times on the way to the powder room.
I was a little in shocked by the whole event, a few clothes, mostly towels strewn everywhere. Probably cushioned my fall. I picked myself up but felt my foot swelling...it was a bit sore. I took something for the swelling and iced it immediately on the advice of my daughter. Although it's difficult to walk on, it's a bit better today than yesterday. It only hurts when I walk. I still did a little chore today too......Yeah Me!!
 I am working on a large canvas 40x30 but it's still in the ugly stage so I'll save it for later. Instead I'm sharing a digital character and  pattern I made from the background of one of my paintings.   I love the color edit on the pattern and would almost like a duvet cover in a few of the colors!!  Then I combined the digital monster with my pattern. As delightful as he may look I am ignoring him.....sticking to routine... Yeah me!!

Thought for the week!!

 You can't make someone be who you want them to be! 
 You have to love them for who they are!

Have you ever tried to change someone?

Don't mind me as I hobble slightly late to Paint Party Friday this week!!You too can  enjoy  visiting  this wonderful community a beautiful people!!


sharon said...

Love your sabotage monster and the colours. Your header is awesome and the quote for the day so true. Sorry about the fall, hope healing continues Thanks for the visit and kind words. Blessings.

K J D said...

Your sabotage monster looks too cute to cause havoc but I know that appearances can be deceptive!

Well done for such a good start to the year (the things you can control anyway).... I've been doing the same thing with the little jobs each day... it feels good (especially when they have been festering on a list for a year (or more!)

Ouch! Hope your foot is better soon.

Your digital patterns and awesome colour combinations are amazing... Yes, I can see these on bedding.

Only nine more days to get those good habits formed!!!!

Good luck and thank you for visiting :)

Karen x

Victoria said...

your posts are always gorgeous..fun-spirited and a creative-delight! love them all..beautiful!

Ilona Heimböckel said...

I love your sabotage monster dearly! It looks a bit like the loch Ness monster :-)
I hope it doesn't bite you, or whatever it could do!

Hope your foot will be better soon!

hugs Ilona

Ginny said...

I am so sorry to hear about the fall. Hope you will be feeling better very soon.

Good for you for overcoming that cute but oh so nasty sabotage monster. He does seem to appear all over the world, doesn't he?

The colors on your pieces are beautiful.

Christine said...

Lovely colourful work as is your style! Please be careful and slow down...so easy to just trip and fall.

kat said...

I always love your creations, and your background piece is lovely too. Take good care of yourself! xx

Faye said...

Giggles my dear, I am so sorry that you fell and have hurt your ankle/foot, but praise God you landed on the laundry or else maybe your face would be all bruised. If it doesn't get better in a week, have it Xrayed - the ankle, I mean. It could have a fracture.

I love the gorgeous background you've created here, in all the various versions. The little digital monster is not something I'd want to see in a dream, but here he is pretty cool.

bellefrogworks said...

Hope you are feeling even better now - I always love your art. The whimsy and the colors are wonderful. Happy PPF

Abela said...

I like your colorful flowers .... and the monster laughed.,Saludos

Marji said...

Yeah you is right! So many accomplishments. Sorry about your fall - seems like there are setbacks especially once we get on a roll. Glad to hear you are overcoming them. Am looking forward to seeing that big canvas you are working on. Happy PPF

Netty said...

Although you are having a bad week one way or another Giggles your little friendly monster is awesome as is your terrific backgrounds.
Hope your ankle gets better soon and enjoy your jelly beans. Happy PPF and hugs Annette x

Anne Manda said...

So sorry about the fall, hope you are all right now! Your digital character is so fun and cute and original and the pattern is beautiful with all the rich color ways.

PaintingWrite said...

seems like ages since i visited your blog as I've been away from ppf for a while now. sorry to hear you triped and hurt yourself but glad you fell up and not down-it could've been a lot worse! love your cute little sabotage monster!

Carol said...

Love the Sabotage Monster!! Are you sure he didn't have something to do with your nasty fall...they are bothersome creatures you know....he has a relative that lives here in my house too. Always causing some sort of havoc and distractions. Hope you are truly on the mend and nothing serious was done. Love your new pattern too.

Linda Kunsman said...

Love the bright colors of your sabotage monster and he sure does seem to have a devilish grin! Yeah, yeah, yeah for your accomplishments!!
Sorry about the fall but thankfully it didn't have a worse outcome. LOVE the last digital pieces-awesome!! Happy PPF!

Mary C. Nasser said...

Love your idea of doing one small task a day! Yeah you!
I'm glad you are okay from your fall, too.
Way to beat the sabatoge monster!!

Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art

soulbrush said...

Love your posts, sorry about the ankle and the shitty week you've had. Let's make next week betterer than this week friend. Sending you lotsa cyber love and some chicken soup for the ankle- no not to pour on it- to drink it!!!LOL.

minnemie said...

Your perseverance makes me smile:-) So sorry about the crisis call... had two of those ourselves lately - both involved tragic loss:-( Thinking about you! On another note: yes, a duvet cover in that pattern will totally ROCK!

Gloria j Zucaro said...

You have been doing great! Wow! all the little chores that add up to a lot of weight off the shoulders! I think it was that sneeky monster that tripped you up! Maybe you could a waste basket over him to keep him contained and out of your way....hidoes change his colors though, so maybe he will change for the better and become your favorite pet. I love the floral backgrounds in the blues and purples. Apparently there is a company on-line that will print up fabric for you from your custom drawing/paintings. You could find out how much a piece as big as your bed would be, and voila! a new custom bed cover! Take care of that foot...you can paint while sitting with your foot up like Freida!

Natasha said...

From your monster who makes me giggle in the very best way imaginable to the backgrounds you so cleverly created I am loving this space!! I am deeply sorry that you feel and sending along the BIGGEST well wishes. Your spirit despite any adversity shines SO bright and that is a gift not only to you but to all around you. Thank you for that and your colorful art!

Jez said...

Well you may get 'sick of' yourself, but I certainly don't, and I shall get withdrawal symptoms if you only post once a week. I have already missed your blogs since your last one.
There is so much in this great post, and that sabotage monster would be great if he would only stop sabotaging. Perhaps you should print him out and shred him so that he has no more power!
Sorry about your fall and injuries, and healing thoughts being sent to hope everything improves soon.
Have I ever tried to change someone? No, but many, many people have tried to change me. I expect you've had the same experiences of attempts to change you.

JKW said...

You are amazing in both your art and your words. I've been getting my house cleared out after living in the same place 14 years. . . absolutely Cleared. So I understand what you are doing (habits die hard). (Not the same thing, but in the same venue.) I've been working on it since Sept. and I'm almost there (I've had too many serious (life) interruptions between then and now). Your words are comforting to Keep me going on too. Thanks for the visit. Blessings, Janet PPF

Janet said...

Good for you for all your daily tasks but I'm sorry that you fell while doing one of them. Having taken a face-first tumble myself several months ago I can definitely sympathize with you. Take it easy! We want to keep you around!

Denise Mulligan said...

I hope you're feeling better! Falling is not so fun!

As I get older I can't withstand things like that, falls and hurts turn into big swelling and wounds!

My father always said "Don't get old" I've been trying not to but nothing is working! Only a young attitude helps.

I know exactly where you are coming from as far as change and other people. Still taking me years to receive that wisdom. I've had to accept drug addicts and alcoholics my whole life and resisted. I always expected and thought that they would change. NOT!

I finally accepted that this is their disease and most likely will never come out of it. I don't think that is negative thinking. I think it finally relieves me to feel free from living in the future. Acceptance and living right now is where I want to be and only accepting them as they are now is real.

Feel better and I'll read your blog once a week or once a month. I enjoy your writing.

Jess said...

Yay you!! What a shame about the falling down though, I do hope it's not too painful. I did this a few times a while back and I took it as a sign to slow down and focus more (something I find reeeeally difficult!) I love the patterns you've made, it would definitely make a great duvet cover, my favourite colours!xx

Cris, Oregon Artist said...

OK I can emphasize about the fall as I am always doing something like that. Very frustrating and embarrassing if someone sees you. Hope you're doing better. Love your colors here.

Ĺ olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

The monster looks great! Sorry about your foot. Hope it gets better soon.

Lynn Cohen said...

Now you listen up, it is no giggling matter to fall up stairs, not even easy that. Do you need to take your foot and rest of your beautiful self to the medico? Please do! Your green and purple monsters are quitec ute, so you take care, you hear me??

Introverted Art said...

so cute!!!!!!

Tam Hess said...

Yay YOU Giggles! You girl :) I LOVE your monster, he is a cutie even if he's out to get you. :) HuGS!

GlorV1 said...

I love your sabotage monster. Darling it is. Oh wow Giggles! So sorry you fell down and hurt yourself. Hope you heal from the pain soon. Watch your step, and like you say, YEAH YOU!! Yeah You. I like that. Take care and keep on painting.

denthe said...

That New Years plan sounds very interesting, have to try it out myself ;-)! Hope your foot is feeling better already. Maybe your sabotage monser is trying to tell you to take it easy with those tasks ....

PiaRom said...

your little monster is so cute...love the colors green, blue and violet together..they fit so wonderful!!!

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