Quote of The Day

Friday, December 27, 2013

Word of the Year 2014 Paint Party Friday

The last few months I've been reflecting and trying to figure out my new word for 2014. Last years "Focus" was a real benefit as it took me on a bit of a journey to solidifying  a writing and art style. One actually tends to feed the other which I never realized before!!

At my brothers Christmas function Cupcake asked everyone  their goals for 2014 and was met with blank stares. No one knew or had any goals. The conversation ended. Plans for the new year can be very private and sometimes there just aren't any as people struggle day to day!

 Last year I think my sister in law knew she would be leaving my brother. Christmas was just way too perfect! It's been my experience when things are too perfect it's fruition, an end of something big! 

Despite  the worry my brother felt all year about the pending season, it turned out beautifully for his Children. As much as I was grieving my sister in law the few weeks prior to Christmas it felt much the same as past celebrations! It was lovely! My brother is an extremely apt guy, and my adult niece stepped up to the plate working along side her dad! I was so proud of both of them!!

Ultimately I know a bit of what I want to accomplish this year. I sabotaged myself a  few months before Christmas and won't be doing that again. Boundaries are the most important thing for any creative. Sometimes it disappoints others but without the time to create nothing gets done.  I always say " Boundaries set you free." I love oxymoron's!
I threw around the word "Refine," but I am about as far from refined as  the crass Louis CK.  That word is all wrong for me even though I'd like to refine some of my work. Then I thought about "Define" which I abandoned. What I really want to do is "Compile" my work but that word seemed too bland for an avid Scrabble player!  I need a word that I like the sound of.....so I decided "Glean" works for me!! I could even change the "G" to a "C" and fit some of that into my year too!! "Glean," it is!!

What word or words having you been milling over to define your New Year?

This is my contribution for Paint Party Friday!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from our house to yours! May the spirit of Christmas live in your hearts all year long! Love and joy to all who read my blog and to those who need it most!! May you find happiness in the small simple things life has to offer. Wishing you enough of all that you need!! Sending love to all!! Thank you to my blog friends for all the love you share during the year! I appreciate each and everyone of you!! Peace to all of you!!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Tea Party, Paint Party Friday!

Who is the lady behind the  red shoes
The  tipsy  gal after one glass of booze
The faceless blogger so vibrant and bold
with stories that  hilariously tend to unfold
Is she  secretly a lady who has two heads
who lives in a castle, with her hair full of dreads?
A Clooney stalker, that can't show her face
Or is she simply a mom, so full of grace?
 I suspect she wears a full  crown of cups
Drinks tea by the gallons, til her bladder erupts!
I know she eats chocolate whenever she can
I sent her my favorite, cuz I'm such a big fan!

A beautiful painter of everything tea
all things in her midst,  easy to see
 Weekly we giggle at her antics and words
  candidly  she speaks about farts, snot, and turds

So today this party's for Tracey our Queen
The woman we love with her face unseen
The one who inspires by sharing her life
as an artist, a blogger, a mother a wife!
Such a talented soul, so savvy, so smart
With so much compassion and a generous heart
We toast to your health we know you want back
And a bit of that skin they took from your rack!
 I hope this party at least makes you  smile
Deflecting your  concerns just for a while
I love who you are behind the red shoes
My posts are so long you might need a snooze 
Tracey Fletcher King you are loved so much!
So  grateful am I, for  our friendship and such
Seriously though, I know who you are
You're the Queen of cups, our PPF Star!

 Thank you to Kristin and Eva the host of our weekly Paint Party Friday  for this wonderful idea to Honor our dear friend  Tracey Fletcher King with a wonderful tea party a week before Christmas! Shining the true spirit far and wide, bringing so much love to a beautiful woman we all adore! 

                              Come on in have a seat in my gypsy pink living room!
 This photo doesn't do my pink tree justice, wish you  could 
see all the beautiful decorations collected with love over the years!
 Would you like to use our Britto tea set?

 Possibly you'd prefer a more festive mug?

 It wouldn't be a party without  Christmas music playing in the background!
Last but not least let me offer you a traditional shortbread. 
A recipe that's been passed down through the generations!
Please feel free to make a batch yourself!

Sherries Shortbreads
Heat oven 275 degrees
Bake ¾ of an hour or 45 minutes 275 degrees
1 pound of Real  BUTTER
Cream butter and sugar together
Gradually add flour to the sugar mixture, 
then knead for 20 minutes
Form into fingers and prick with a fork,
or use a cookie press
Ready when golden brown
I'd like to wish you all a very special holiday doing whatever pleases you!
May you find solace in the spirit of the music, decorations and love of family and friends! I wish you all enough of everything you need! Much love to Tracey and her family as wells as anyone who sees this message!!  
 Bella the little poodle we babysit would also like to say Merry Christmas
to Mushu across the miles!!! 
This is an update and just happened at 9 AM this Friday morning!!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Paint Party Friday and Mix it Monthly

This is my first contribution to Mix it Monthly
Sadly I hadn't a lot of time to work on it, and it shows!
Mix it Monthly
Challenge is owls
mixing these colors

I've spent the week working on my friends project which I can't show yet!
Sorry to say I have nothing profound to say this week! It snowed a few days then washed quickly away. Enough to disable me from
 attending an annual dinner with friends since
 I was nervous to use a cane on the first snow fall!!
 I have no idea where these journal pages came from.

                 "That artists are called to be more
           responsible and true 
           is a tip of the hat to their power!"

 I just know the bottom page started out as a bunch of heads. I think they may
be the gremlins within trying to coax me to get more accomplished since I am lagging! So I need to keep them at bay as I try to create! Sometimes it's difficult!

"Any negativity that comes to you today 
should be returned to sender! "
Thelma Davis

 What do you do to shut down the nasty self talk?

This is my contribution to Paint Party Friday!

I just  love all this yummy color!! 
As for the crazy characters.....not so much!!

Friday, December 06, 2013

Paint Party Friday Reinvent your Holiday!

Cupcake has been bumping into many young adults who are crabby,  disillusioned and stressed out about the holiday season. Feeling torn between step families, parents, and in-laws....they feel stretched to the max trying to fit everything in along with working full time. Having to deal with the wrath of relatives is so frustrating.

So she suggested they  recreate their holiday to make it less stressful. To have a dinner on their own terms, invite people they enjoy.   Except that some people won't be able to attend but that's okay. Meet with confrontational ones  over lunch or meal at a restaurant so you can leave at will. Set boundaries, decline invites politely explaining your full schedule!

Cupcake told them of the Christmas  day we spent at the theatre watching movies, eating tacos for dinner there! It is still such a cherished special memory! Especially because no one knew, we kept it secret knowing there were many invites to join others that year. Sometimes you have to do things differently just to get over the painful humps.
Life changes, people change, situations change, as special as the holidays are  it can be celebrated any way you desire! Breaking  tradition is okay and may even become desirable. With all the pain people are carrying of late it will be a nice diversion to change things up. It's a couple of days, time you can celebrate any way you see fit. Attending a Christmas eve church service singing carols and lighting candles has always been special for me even though it doesn't happen every year.

There were Christmases  I couldn't give my daughter what others got, it was very painful to subject my child to those situations where she watched others rip open without appreciation tons of gifts. Even though in past years, before divorce she got way more than others. And yet I believe it made her a better  woman, more compassionate, empathetic and generous!

The season we had a taco Christmas started out a bit depressing until we delivered food and toys for a single mom in need. We wore Christmas hats and chimed in with all kinds of goodies! The children were so excited it truly put spirit  into our Christmas. Everything turned around after that!

So when tough times abound think of a way to reinvent your season...make it special.  Volunteer, cut yourself some slack, nurture your heart and be kind to yourself....make new traditions.

Have you ever done anything unorthodox to celebrate the season during rough times?   

This is my contribution for Paint Party Friday !

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