Quote of The Day

Thursday, May 01, 2014

Angry Bunny Mystery! Paint Party Friday!

 I felt like an angry bunny when I couldn’t find the smell
It followed me around the house, what it was, I couldn’t tell
 I sniffed the flowers, the kitchen, and  the air around,
I sniffed the blankets, the towels, a tiny box  on the ground
 The pungent odor near drove me mad, as  the scent permeated
I sniffed and SNIFFED with all my might, the odor was now hated
 It followed me, so I sniffed my clothes, but nothing was there
Finally in frustration I changed my dress and  underwear
 Still the smell was horrid, I tried a nap to  unwind
But the  anxiety grew and grew, with  that stink still on my mind
I sniffed my pillow, rolled out of bed, thinking I may go nuts
Then a light bulb turned on, when I realized I was  a putz
 This has happened once before, while  driving  in my car
We threw the windows open before driving very far
I gagged as though I'd vomit  from the pungent  scent
It was following me around, every where I went

A very expensive cream, that didn't cost a penny
Spread underneath my makeup, even though I used hardly any
I washed and washed my face four times, still it lingered on
Then I used Beardos spicy face wash, finally it was gone!
 Exhale..........Now I'm a Happy Bear!

How about you have you ever searched for a resolution and it was there,

literally right in front of your nose?

For the record. it's happened twice. once with a sample cream of the same brand, and then with a very expensive cream.....
Happy Weekend to all of you!!


Faye said...

You have definitely caught the anger in Mr. Bunny's face, Sherrie. I have a super sensitive nose, almost supernaturally sensitive. But it has bailed me out of many situations where I almost burned up stuff on the stove. I wonder why they put so much fragrance in deodorants and face creams. Not at all necessary.

Nadya said...

That must have been VERY frustrating, but so funny in the telling in words & pictures!! Yes, I've done similar things ...

Valerie-Jael said...

Love your funny story and pictures, and glad you caught the culprit in the end! Hugs, Valerie

Clare Lloyd said...

Such vibrant work.

Paper rainbow said...

I'm glad the anger bunny has calmed down and gone back to his burrow,he doesn't look like a bunny to be messed with. :)

Netty said...

wow can hardly believe it was your face cream that made that horrible smell, no wonder you were going around like a demented bunny. Smashing artwork. Happy PPF, Annette x


Carol Rigby said...

He is an angry bunny. Glad you sorted that whiff out.

Zana said...

That sure does look like an angry bunny, I wouldn't like to get in her way! Haha. Glad you solved the problem. And yes similar things have happen to me. I react to some scents quite strongly and some scents on me can be quite revolting! Some of the expensive ones too!
Oh I do love your bunny despite his dont mess with me attitude.

froebelsternchen said...

vibrant work this week! WOW! And I love your story!!!
Happy weekend!
Happy PPF!

Unknown said...

Your angry bunny is cool but good that he changed into happy bear. I like how simply beautiful you expressed feelings in your paintings.


VonnyK said...

Your angry bunny is fabulous and the story is very clever. I hate to think what was in that cream.
Glad you are now a happy bear.

soulbrush said...

What a fun and funny post and super duper art of course. YES this has happened to me, as I have a very keen sense of smell. I drive my hubby mad till i find the source.Happy PPF to you.

denthe said...

Hmm, what brand of cream was that!? Getting curious now ;-) Your bunny really looks as if it's hunting for the smell and won't stop until it finds it. Love the little story you wrote :-)

My name is Erika. said...

I look forward to seeing what fun animals we have each week. And you didn't disappoint me.

JKW said...

I love the Anger Bunny so much. . .yep the bear is cute too. . . .I want the anger bunny, Puulleeez ;) Yes, when we get the best take out meal in the world (Steak & Shake) of course we have to put everything on it and get the onion rings And the fries, but the Steakburger is out of this world good. HOWEVER, it stinks up the car, even when you bring it in the house, OMGosh. . . .lesson learned, eat there. lol. Love your stories AND creative art. Blessings, Janet

Linda Kunsman said...

that sure is one very angry bunny-but I love him nonetheless! Glad "he" found the resolution and became a happy bear. Greta illustrations and story!

SLScheibe said...

That's funny! Glad you found the smell finally. Love the angry bunny. He's cute!

Jez said...

I love your very angry little skateboarding bunny, even zipping around on his skateboard didn't get him away from the smell. Great poem too, and it's no wonder you couldn't find it - when it came around everywhere with you. So glad you are a happy little bear now, especially the pink spotted bear with her pink boots.

Unknown said...

OH my gosh angry bunny is awesome..what a great expression. I have to know what brand that is? Terrible. Poor you :) I have a mouse that I can't catch right now. First time I've ever had trouble..he doesn't smell but I'm waging war now and it's driving me mad. I can't kill them, catch and release missions. UGH!

GlorV1 said...

How funny that it was your cream causing all this action. Loved your angry bunny. Fun post. Have a wonderful day.:)

bellefrogworks said...

Love that angry rabbit!!! I could have used him here this week - we had an outbreak of scabies at home and have been healed but I am now washing everything we own!! What fun-LOL. I am a happier bear myself today, even with all the laundry. At least we aren't itching as much.

AnnD said...

Okay, I realize this is not a funny story - and that this was definitely not a fun experience for you - but OMG THAT BUNNY IS SO FUN! I love him. I especially love his teeth, because that's how I roll. Your blog is always such a treat to read!

peggy gatto said...

Oh what wonderful paintings and even more wonderful story!!
the best!!!

Joy Murray said...

Love your angry bunny but I'm glad you got to have a happy bear, too. I'm glad you found the culprit. I had a cream like that -- it smelled like mango in the bottle but once warmed by my skin it was like tropical rot.

Anonymous said...

that is one brilliant bunny, angry looking for sure, I have had that happen with sunscreen, I am really sensitive to smells, so I would also be broke out in a rash!! Happy Paint Party Friday,

ann @ studiohyde said...

Aww, I LOVE all these paintings, they add to your story (which incidentally, I couldn't WAIT to find the answer to the smell)!

sheila 77 said...

You have an uncanny knack of hitting right on the button. I dislike so many smells, especially "fragrances". I seriously love Angry Bunny, especially in pink, poor Bunny - what's that awful smell!! - and I'm so glad he turned into Happy Bear, although I'd like to see him again sometime as Happy Bunny.
What a fantastic story poem, that must have taken a lot of effort to get the rhyming to work.

Abigail Davidson said...

Your characters are so fun! I enjoyed the whimsy and personality you brought to these artworks! Thank you for sharing!

Kate Robertson said...

Some cute bunnies there. I find strong perfumes and their wearers annoying.

Janet said...

Some cosmetics have too much smell. I prefer something clean and fresh to some of the overly scented items. Your rabbit is cute even if he is angry!

Unknown said...

oh my goodness - all that searching and it was ON YOU all along. Wow! What a story and love how you illustrated it.

Debbie said...

I'm glad you solved that mystery! It must have been driving you crazy. Your bears are adorable, even the angry one!

Debbie said...

lol! I meant your bunny was adorable too!

Kooky Makes said...

Funny story & great pictures as always. And yes, smell has that special power to really linger and keep getting you over and over.

Marianne said...

I love this angry little bunny :)
Especially because bunnies always look cute and happy - and this one really looks angry!
Nice work :)

Laila said...

What a fun way you told this story. What you experienced isn't fun at all. For many years I got migrain from all kinds of scents. I could change from well to very sick in five minutes. It's all gone now and I so happy for that, but I'm still careful with any kind of scent. Love your bunny and bear, they both have clear expressions.

Jo said...

Great story and drawings. You had me on the edge of my seat!!

DVArtist said...

Great depiction through that bunny.
Glad all is better now.
wishing you a happy weekend

Goldfish Diaries said...

Lol, right under your nose, indeed. It's weird how our noses and our taste buds interpret things sometimes. Some people will love a smell, while others find it repulsive. There is a popular scent, not sure what it is but when someone is wearing it, all I smell is bug-repellent! I think your angry bunny looks like a very determined superskater hero ;)

Meihsia Liu said...

Love your beautiful drawing. They are so cute. The colors are fantastic! :)

Karla B said...

Love your bunnies!Your art always brightens my day.When I was pregnant, there was a lady who used to take the same bus I did.Her perfume lingered on my mind and I can't stand it even nowadays!

kat said...

Oh I love your angry bunny to lovesome bear!

Lisabella Russo said...

That sounds awful, but you've expressed and illustrated in such a funny and charming way! Cute and angry bunny and happy bear!

Renee Dowling said...

I also have a sensitive sniffer. I can smell scents long before others can. An instant whiff of somethings can give me an instant headache!

You always have such humour in your words. I like how you shared in a poem. Fun illustrations, Giggles.

Laura said...

I have had one or two of those lingering creams in my time. Makes me wonder if manufacturers actually do test their products first. Lol. Lovely artwork.

Maria Medeiros said...

Your drawings definitely capture how you felt! I can't believe it was the face cream! Indeed I have had a couple of occasions like yours. Face creams can be tricky, I don't like the smell of a couple of them. Glad you feel better!

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

Although you must have been very frustrated at the time, your words and artwork gave it a much more lighthearted feel. Blessings, my friend!

Cindy D. said...

Haha! The angry bunny is hilarious! And though I don't have a stinky face cream, I have found myself hunting down strange smells more than once over the years!

lorik said...

And it WAS literally right under your nose:) Once, for weeks, we kept hearing a beeping....checking everything...finally deciding we needed an electrician..faulty power point. But i googled before I rang him. Guess what it was? A hand puppet that I had washed (the beeping DID seem to be outside sometimes too) and brought in and put on a shelf beside the power point. Flat battery on a talking puppet that I bought at an Op shop.
I love the way you presented your story...great images...very expressive.

Kristin said...

HA!! Oh how this cracked me up - I was right there with you - and the rhyming made it even more fun. UGH, there's nothing worse than stinky lotion! I get it!! Oh, and your angry bunny is lovely! Love those teeth! xoxo

Katie Jeanne said...

heehee You made me laugh. :) I have a super sensitive nose, and it drives my husband NUTS. I'm always saying, "Do you smell that?" and he says, "I don't smell anything". This one time, he resisted calling 911 when there was a gas leak nearby..the smell was so overpowering, but he couldn't smell it. He thought I'd make a fool out of him for calling, but there was no doubt in my mind. He looked relieved when he got off the phone because many other people had called it in already. lol

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