Quote of The Day

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Paint Party Friday "A good trade off"

Thank you so much for all your 
generous comments last week!
Eighteen years ago today, after a twenty three year marriage, in a pivotal  moment, a switch went off and my union was over!  It was an ugly ending, lasting almost two years, but I've never looked back, or had a desire to be married again! 
 Wip. First layer of a new canvas.
I gave up a fiscal security for the unknown. I won't lie, it was scary! It was  a struggle being a single mom but I was fortunate to have a child that never gave me a lick of trouble. Best of all I was a good example of peace in my child's life which she's  carried into her own loving marriage!
Color edits before the second layer! Wip
There was envy of my solo life. But everything is a trade off!! My dream home was sold, and I moved to a place of my own that I love, where I could put holes in the walls without a partners scrutiny. I could use color without judgement, and the remote control was mine, all mine!! Of course I shared with Cupcake!

Digital color edit wip   
 Things broke down, we did without, but there was always peace, something I really missed as a child! Instead of arguments, there was negotiation. I often felt the world on my shoulders, nothing a dinner with girlfriends couldn't resolve. Friends were incredibly supportive and generous in my most difficult days! To this day I feel so grateful for their love!  
 As time passed and Cupcake grew up, the joy of being single could not be matched. It's become a way of life I treasure! I discovered sides of myself I never knew existed!!  I fell in love with freedom and creativity!
Before.... jewelry box revamp!
 After ...Revamped Jewelry Box
Today Cupcake brought me home my first  toasted coconut frappe of the season from Starbucks!   A rare treat to celebrate eighteen revered years of freedom!
Have you ever done anything you were terrified
 to do but eventually realized it was so worth it?


Valerie-Jael said...

Great post! Freedom is the best thing we have, we just need to appreciate it and use it wisely. Lovely artwork, too. Hugs, Valerie

Tracey FK said...

Fabulous colour and pattern and energy, but I do love reading what you have to say... 18 years is quite a milestone, especially as you have achieved so much and have a life you love... that in itself is worth celebrating...xx

denthe said...

Very interesting to see your canvas in progress! Looking forward to where it'll go from here. And the jewelry-box is so cute. It made me laugh to read about your feeling of freedom in putting holes in and colour on your walls ;-) So recognizable. Often the things that are most terrifying have the best rewards ....

sheila 77 said...

I love to read of your happiness in your freedom.
I've started terrifying things and they've usually gone well, eventually, but I've also not started terrifying things so who knows how they would have turned out.
Your first painting here is so striking, marvellous colours and I love her face and hair, and her dress, rose and earring, everything really and what a transformation to your jewelry box, it looks so modern now, but I quite like the before too, although I prefer the modern.
Thanks for another thought-provoking question which I will mull over while gardening.

Karla B said...

Many times, my friend.As soon as I got pregnant, we broke out It was scary to be pregnant and alone. But as you,I am grateful to my friends and special to my family. When I saw my daughter's face for the first time, I understood I had done the right thing.Love your post today!Your work is always enchanting!

Anonymous said...

your at is beautiful, and your words and journey is truly inspirational, thank you for sharing with us,

My name is Erika. said...

Becoming a high school teacher at 23 was really scary for me-since I am really short (5 feet) and was very lucky to look about 18 when I was 23. Man, it was a challenge at first but now, the job gives me my freedom within my marriage since I have my own cash! Now I can buy all those art supplies and use my down time to create.
Before I forget-great jewelry box and loved your story this week.

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I love all your abstract designs, with the interesting patterns you've created. I don't believe I've ever gone through anything as terrifying as you. I've always told my daughters that I don't want them to go through a divorce, but that sometimes that is the best solution. That's why I've pushed them to be strong and assertive, as well as to get an education. If they ever have to go through a divorce, I want them to be as prepared as possible. Congratulations on your milestone, and may God bless our girls, Ms. Giggles!

Faye said...

Love the jewelry box and your paintings, Sherrie. I do so admire you for keeping peaceful in the midst of so much you had to bear as a young woman. That makes you a really special person. Have a happy weekend.

J C said...

Congrats of the anniversary of finding your personal self. Love that you could do this! xo

JKW said...

Your words are always as colorful as your painting. Did you realize there is 'pain'ting. . .after reading your post, I just realized that. Don't have any glorious meanings, but. . . .I noticed. All I can say is it's hard to be alone. You are fortunate to have your daughter so close. Blessings, Janet PPF

GlorV1 said...

Love your wip and your girl above. I like your jewel box too. I agree with Denthe about things that are most terrifying but have the best rewards. Profound statement that is and to me it looks like you've done beautifully. Have a wonderful day Sherry.

Christine said...

Lovely vibrant art to go with your happy story of freedom!

Beth Niquette said...

Your artwork is unmistakeable. I LOVE it! Yes, it is true--what would we do without our friends? Have a lovely weekend!

Carol said...

Great art and a beautiful celebration of life and freedom. I can relate to the wholes in the walls and bold color issues :) That's what they make Spackle and primer for ♥

minnemie said...

Love the revamped jewelry box:-) The eyes in anticipation shines... beautiful! Love your honesty as always!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading your post. I agree, freedom and creativity are two of the best things :) And I always love your art.

kat said...

Great to visit again and marvel in all your colourful happy art! Thanks for all you share, I find it hard to do terrifying things, I have to push myself a little bit more at times, but I do like to wait until I feel it's the right moment and letting my intuition guide me.

bellefrogworks said...

I so love to visit you here - I love the heart you reveal in your words and your art. This was a wonderful post. My life has not followed exactly the same path - although I was also divorced. I remarried soon after and had to learn that I was a complete person before this marriage could work. Becoming an artist has been scary and so fulfilling - I can't imagine my life before I was creating art - Love your colorful art and your colorful spirit!

DVArtist said...

Wonderful post. You made a choice and followed through with it. Freedom, it is a place of happiness. I really love these art pieces. The colors have movement and joy.

Jo said...

Ah, yes. There is so much truth here. I can so relate. Wonderful art. Wise woman spirit.

Forgetfulone said...

Pretty paintings! Getting divorced was scary for me, too. My twins were 3 1/2 at the time he left. I survived... thrived, even. Never thought I would.

Unknown said...

Gorgeous art pieces. Beautiful creativity. You deserved the best!

Twist of Pink said...

Enjoyed your artwork. Even more to hear a story of a strong woman and happy of course!

Silke Powers said...

Such beautiful art and even more beautiful words. Congrats on the anniversary of your freedom! I think it's always a little scary when we follow our heart against what others think of even just conventional wisdom. I moved from Europe to the US and many thought I would not make it here. Now, 29 years later... :) And twice I've quit a secure job under protest of almost everyone who is important to me. And every time it was the perfect decision. I'm happy you are so happy!! xoxo Silke

Abigail Davidson said...

I enjoy your abstract designs! Looks lovely!

Neesie said...

So many beautiful vibrant pieces of artwork to enjoy.
Thank you for sharing and also your honest words... so inspiring.
I hope you enjoy your weekend

Tammie Dickerson said...

Love the vibrant color and design! All things in this life happen for the good of our soul. You have found your true creative self - and enriched all those around you in the process! Happy PPF!

peggy gatto said...

Inspirational post!
You are the best and so is your art!!!

froebelsternchen said...

Your art again is beautiful and your words are so true ind inspiring!

A late

Janet said...

Your "anticipation" woman is great!

My moment was much like yours, in deciding to leave my first husband. I had tough times and lots of struggle but I'd do it all the same again. Now I have a wonderful husband and enjoy my life every day.

Katie Jeanne said...

xo Here's to freedom, to making the best choice for you and your daughter, and for gorgeous artwork!! :))) I'm loving this new style, although I bet it's not so new to you. It looks too advanced to be beginner's work. I'm soooo on to you, Giggles. You can't fool me. heehee :D

lorik said...

Your work is always so full of colour and movement. My favourite is the second:)

Unknown said...

Loved that you shared your life story.I am glad that you handled all the lows and highs with equanimity and came out a better,peaceful person.Wonderful artwork too,of course.Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.Truly appreciated.

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