Quote of The Day

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Making Time!! Paint Party Friday

Nerd Girl  Face #5
Do you complain you haven't enough time to create?  Of course life's demands come first, but second should be YOU time, and then if there is anything left, you share it. If for no other reason to keep balance, with a healthy mind and happy heart!! You have to make time!
Cole face #9

So many woman and some men are constantly doing for others with little time to hear those little whispers from god. The ones pointing you in the right direction! Whether you love to walk, garden, create, cook, or visit with friends to get recharged you need to schedule time to do those things with joy and ease!
Nerd Boy #6 Nerds make time for themselves!
I have one friend who prides herself on getting ready, shower and all, in ten minutes...she likes to challenge that time too!  With a beautiful bathroom room, she rarely, if ever, enjoys her gorgeous tub!
Digital color edits

Whereas I honour my time having a quiet bath. There, my muse will quietly whisper ideas. My whole life I have made time to create things. Whether it was redecorating a room with colourful paint, crocheting, or sewing, I was always making something because I like beauty around me and because I love and NEED to create!
Nadine  Face #7
Over time my tastes have changed, my need for color and whimsy trump my need for beauty.  What's beautiful in my eye completely differs from others! I have always walked a bit on the wild side when it comes to color but everyone seems to enjoy it when they visit!

When men ooh and aah then mention they like your decor you know it's brave and different. If you're conservative beige person the colors could be irritating and ridiculous. All my friends are super creative and it's was only after years of connection that we realized just how creative we all are!  I think when you're young you can take that for granted! 
Neara face #8
Scheduling "YOU" time as though it were a doctors appointment is so important. It teaches others to honour your time. Friends, family and children start to respect the block of time you use to write or create. Eventually they understand how much you value your "ME"  time. 

 It is so true that we teach people how to treat us! If we take abuse even once it is carte blanche for  that behavior to continue! The  oxymoron "Boundaries set you Free" is my motto! It took years to  shake the mentality as a child of an alcoholic who often infringed on boundaries. Now I understand the importance of them and time for Self!  
Are you making time for YOU? Do you ever feel guilty for taking that time?
 Do others understand how important that time is to you?


Unknown said...

Love the whole series, but particularly the Nerd Girl. The colors are so great, and I love the angle too! Nice work and Happy PPF!

froebelsternchen said...

Fantasic faces and quotes! Oh yes I am sufficiently selfish to take
love to be with me!
Happy PPF!

Karla B said...

It is 1:26 am here and I've just finished my twelfth face for 29 faces so this is my time. After work and late when I am part of silence. I create and recreate time and it is my most important possession. I like to think I owe time. Nobody needs to know it enslaves me but I am an untamed creature. Whenever I can, I run away from it.

Anonymous said...

Wise words. We have so many roles to maintain, mother's, daughter's, friend's etc, oneself is so easily lost.

I have time enough nowadays and I've tried to slow down my life. Sometimes it succeeds.

You're images are demanding and beautiful: let's also take care of ourselves!

Abigail Davidson said...

Like the way you balance the quote with the figure, and so true! Great message!

Ayala Art said...

Another awesome post!
My answers:Yes... Rarely... and yes! lol

Valerie-Jael said...

Wonderful post and theme! Hugs, Valerie

sharon said...

Great post!, My favourite is nerd girl, maybe because I am a bit of a nerd! Now a days I take time for myself because I got the time! I have had the tendency in the past to lose myself, but no longer! Your faces are wonderful!

Claire said...

Some wonderful faces! You have been busy!
Happy PPF :)
no. 17

Paper rainbow said...

Lovely post! I, like you would not be 'me' without time to create, others have had to accept that the housework may not always get done! ;) I LoVe your love of colour, it always brightens my mornings. x

PaintingWrite said...

Love your nerd girl especially. I do get me time-usually when the dogs are sleeping otherwise they tend to take over-they even follow me to the bathroom! ! My favourite me time is reading a really good book. Obviously painting is me time too but it's something i need to do whereas reading is just a simple pleasure.

Ritu Dua said...

What a beautiful post!! My me time...when I am lost in the world of my rainbow colours and writings !!


Netty said...

Great post and I totally agree with all you have said. Loving all of your fab character faces. Happy PPF, Annette x


Unknown said...

Great post and lovely art pieces. I think I really needed to read your thoughts today! Taking me time and creating are acts of self love. Thank you for the great reminder!

Sirkka said...

Again wise words in your posting. And beautiful and colourful paintings!

BLOGitse said...

Yes, oh yes I have time!
Great post with cute nerds.
I love colors. We can't please everybody so I do what I do as I like... :)

my blog is here - > BLOGitse

kat said...

Oh what an array of great characters! It's buzzing with fun and life here as always, taking time is so important! I've decided to limit myself to half an hour of computer a day....to have more time!

My name is Erika. said...

I always enjoy reading your posts. And I know what you're saying- you have to make some you time, no matter what it is that makes you click. If only everyone in life you have to deal with did that! Nerd girl is my favorite piece this week-see a lot of myself in her.

denthe said...

I used to feel guilty for taking me-time, but not anymore. I even plan beforehand chunks of time that are totally for myself. It's not always easy, but I get cranky when I don't do it, it has become a necessity for me. Your faces look great, and that quote is one of my favorites ...

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I couldn't agree with you more about leading a balanced life as an artist. I believe that without it, your creativity can be stifled. Blessings, my friend!

Jenn Jilks said...

Being retired, and kids gone, I do take time for myself. These are wise words.
(ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

Linda Kunsman said...

LOVE your series of portraits and the words that go with them!!! I do take time for myself-as much as I can- and I no longer feel one bit of guilt about it:)

Faye said...

Thought-provoking post, Sherrie. As I am now, I have too much "me" time. I need to get out more. I do volunteer 2 days a week most weeks. Your colors are beautiful. I love the way you change them each time. It gives a whole new look.

GlorV1 said...

I've learned to take lots of time for myself without a bit of guilt. I love it and also love all your work. I am drawn to the nerdy one. Great post as always.

Jess said...

I really needed to hear this post. After all these years of painting I still feel guilty if anyone's at home at the same time while I'm painting, as if I need to be constantly 'on call' for them. I've got to make some changes haven't I?!!
I've been really enjoying your wonderful colourful creations and reading your blog. It's been ages since I've had time to blog visit! Have a great weekend Giggles!
Jess xx

Julie said...

You are invited to share this with Feline Art Friday:

AM Zafaran said...

Finding time for myself is very important to me and yes, now I do pay attention what I like or do not feel comfortable with. It did take years to break free from the patterns set by society. I definitely am not "conservative beige person".
Loving your very individualistic portraits!! Love all the various colors and energy.

Christine said...

lovely post and art. I treasure 'me' time.

Carol said...

Love all of your faces and I too am one that has a NEED to create. I am not complete if I am unable to be creative and it doesn't take long for me to become grumpy, depressed and even down right angry if I am kept away form it for very long. I'm not nice to be around during those times :) Have a great weekend!!!

Carol said...

OH... and those baths are a necessity too :)

Unknown said...

yes, yes, yes! "Me" time so important. If you don't respect it then no one will. Lucky I have a job that includes the "me" time but I still feel the need to paint. Better get at it! :) Thanks for sharing your lovely work and sweet words.

Beth Niquette said...

Such bright and bold colors! I love the saying, too--touched me today.

Debbie said...

All of your pieces are so colorful And fun I can't pick a favorite! I agree, we all need to have time for ourselves, and I do that every week. Good post this week!

alarmcat said...

wonderful post! yes, it is so good to have that balance in your life. when my daughter was younger, it was hard to find ME time. But now she is on her own and I have lots of time for art. life is good :)

Neesie said...

I'm fascinated with this challenge. Great faces.
I'm all for 'Me' time but now I just need to know how to find and use it!
Happy PPF

SLScheibe said...

Ha! Love the nerds!! They're great and so colorful! I'm a geeky nerd so I can relate to those paintings :)

Katie Jeanne said...

Good advice, but I wonder what to do when ME time is also worktime? It's hard for me to know the difference most days. ;)

Janet said...

I always like your art and today is no exception. Neara #8 is fantastic!! Love her!

I am an only child so I grew up with lots of "me" time and I still need it.

Gloria j Zucaro said...

Hello again. I always love your life lessons. Since I live alone and my schedule is my own, my previous schedule was all about "Me". But I think now, I am trying to gain that balance. I want to spend more time with family, work on beautifying my new 1970's house, and volunteering. This still leaves time for painting and gardening, a little walking for exercise, too. I love book your Nerd girl and "Neara face". That title made me LOL!

Lmkazmierczak said...

Yes, creative types crave time apart to recharge and focus...your paintings' eyes seem to see it all♪ http://lauriekazmierczak.com/red-peppers/

Clare Lloyd said...

Fab, love all your faces.

Jane said...

Great advice! Something's are learned over time, but listening to your heart IS important! You feel so much better and are so much more alive when you access that creativity from within! Your first painting really stands out amongst all the art on MOM!

Studio Kaufmann said...

Oh Giggles you are so right! I love the Proud Nerd boy so much.
I must say I am pretty selfish and I always make time for myself and my art although sometimes I think my family don't understand that I need this time to get my head together. Still I'm like you I have to be creating something or I will go mad! Happy PPF

JKW said...

I find that 'older' the me time has slowed down, too much. I need to get out and about much more than I do, but the things I wanted to do back then are no longer pertinent and it's a lot harder to create me. A lot of the options are no longer available. Love the art in different colors. Blessings, Janet PPF

Gillena Cox said...

have a nice Monday

much love...

Maria Medeiros said...

wonderful! Such a powerful statement! beautiful!

Deepa Gopal said...

Love the quote and all those colorful faces...
So true, I do take time out for myself mostly creation thanks to my parents & my daughter for their complete support :) You may wonder why I didn't mention my hubby...currently, I stay with my parents, my hubby works miles apart & visits once a year!

Glycérine said...

wow your colours are fabulous !!

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