Today I went for breakfast with my friends. I dropped Pepper at work on my way. I wanted to get a picture, mom and daughter in our glasses. So at each red light and one stop sign, we slid our heads together and attempted to capture our faces. Onlookers stared perplexed as we amused ourselves, posing and giggling.
Mister grumpy pants pulled up behind me at a stop sign, swearing under his breath as he spied us posing. He shook his head as he veered his steering wheel around the jeep. Geesh patience people….. Lighten up won’t you!! It was only a second more of his time and worth all the giggles. Please ……life is way too short to get stirred up about a moments wait! I made sure to check that no one was approaching before I even attempted such nonsense as taking a picture at a stop sign. We eventually captured a picture that didn’t look like I had a moon face or a comb over.
Breakfast was lovely and the girls sprung for the bill in honor of my pending 50th. Barb’s on my right and Laura’s on my left as the photo op continues. We chatted and had great fun as we always do. There are times when we jest, other times we work out personal problems and share adventures. Other times we converse about current events or creative endeavors. No matter what we discuss, we always come away rejuvenated with new perspectives and the great feeling of love. There we are putting our best foot forward!
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