2. I can cut and perm hair
3. I did my daughters hair almost everyday for 19 years
4. I’ve been told often that I’m a great cook
5. I can crochet and sew
6. I am tolerant and generous, I feed everyone that comes to my house
7. I love all music, and can play the piano
8. I rarely find myself bored
9. I love to write, I’m in my glory since computers came into my life
10. I have an addiction to scrabble
11. I used to be a meat wrapper
12. both parents died at 66, five years apart Mom Susan, dad Alexander
13. I am very intuitive
14. Things I enjoyed more when I was young, golfing and bowling in a league, ice-skating, singing, swimming, fishing
15. people always confide in me, even when they first meet me
16. Favorite childhood pastime was roller skating
17. I love card games and can play bridge
18. I love people, and I am blessed with many wonderful friends with high ethics
19. I have many interests, astrology, spirituality, tarot, children, music, art, glass, reading, crafts, people, cooking, decorating, bargain hunting, movies
20. I have a brother born in 1961 who won a body building contest when he was 30
21. I have a daughter named Pepper Alexander born in 1986, we are best friends
22. I had 2 muti- poos, 1 female named Angel died at 12, 1 male named Benji died at 17, I had a lhasa Apso who passed at 12
23. I owned a 1977 silver corvette for 10 years which I bought for $10,900 and sold for $11,000
24. I have had myalgic encephalitis since 1991
25. I love snow
26. I had an article published about euthanasia in the Vancouver sun
27. Use to be in a writers club, I write poetry
28. I have brown hair and eyes
29. I love cheddar cheese perogies, steak and baked potato, pineapple gelato, fresh cherries, chicken wings, ice for drinks and cheese
30. I love to be surrounded by color
31. I can grow beautiful flowers in pots when I out my mind to it
32. I Love starbuck’s orange tea
33. I’m a jack of all trades, and surprise myself at the things I can do
34. I am a Big Beautiful Woman
35. Love Purple, Black, Pink and Green
36. Love talking with kids and teens
37. Love festivals especially the luminaries and Caribbean ones
38. favorite holiday is Halloween and Canada day
39. I collect little black angels,love Besse Pease Gutman prints, and Mary Naylor art
40. nick names, giggles (I have an infectious giggle) and Love goddess
41. love dark rum, tequila, strawberry margaritas, blender drinks with ice
42. have a bohemian style
43. love candle lit baths, with vita bath plus, and amber romance
44. Put my daughter first above all else
45. don’t make decisions easily
46. care about the welfare of animals and children
47. love potatoes, bread and milk ( carb addict)
48. favorite snacks popcorn or Hawkins cheezies
49. was a virgin when I got married
50. Life altering books….artist way, Celestine prophesy, Verbal abuse, and crazy times
51. favorite flowers are gladiolas, carnations, and peonies
52. I Believe in a higher power and have a deep faith, I believe in Karma
53. I’m a Gemini born May 28th 1956
54. I adore my only brother, we’re great friends even though we have opposite life styles
55. I love jewelry earrings and necklaces, unique pieces with colored stones
56. favorite old movies sound of music, children of a lesser god
57. favorite song “Imagine”
58. favorite artists John Lennon, Jan Arden, and so many more
59. Respected woman Iylana Vasant, Oprah, Maya Angelou, Violette
60. Favorite politicians, Bill Clinton U.S. President, Ujjal Dosanjh Canadian Health Minister, Vancouver Mayor, Larry Campbell Gordon Wilson ex Liberal Party leader for B.C.
61. Had a house decorated all in pink and black in the 90’s
62. Have a house decorated in purple and green for the new millennium
63. have an eccentric orange bathroom
64. love velvet and colored cotton from India
65. enjoy the lake
66. like walking on the beach near the ocean, I feel energized by the ocean
66. favorite places to live, city White Rock or Kitsilano in Vancouver, by the ocean
67. favorite drinks coke, ice tea, coffee
68. like a clean house don’t enjoy cleaning it
69. love colored glass and own lots of it
70. love stained glass lamps
71. like Victorian, bohemian and gothic styles for decorating
72. had lots of boyfriends when I was young
73. despise doing dishes
74. Make excellent brownies and banana bread
75. like to draw and color
76. despise mean people
77. don’t wear the color brown or beige
78. I pierced my nose on my 40 birthday
79. I am a bit eccentric and march to my own beat, people say I am vivacious
80. I wear glasses or contacts
81. I love to dance and would have loved to try for the Olympics for ballroom dance if it was available when I was young
82. don’t like small talk
83. people say I should be a counselor
84. people always come to me to share their problems
85. favorite soups are French onion and broccoli with cheese
86. I am Russian Ukrainian decent on my moms side and Scottish, Irish on my dads side
87. I am a 1st generation Canadian on my dads side
88. My dad was born in Scotland I was born in North Vancouver
89. I detest scary or violent movies
90. I love a good comedy, drama and biography’s
91. I had a male Bichon Frise named Rox passed away a few weeks ago.
92. favorite TV Shows are Medium, Ghost whisperer, Larry King live, project Runway and home renovating shows, six feet under, desperate housewives.
93. I love the arts and I’m very artistic
94. I am a good bargain hunter
95. I have a townhouse
96. I adore my daughters boyfriend
97. I love shoes and unique purses
98. I Love perfume with patchouli undertones, liquors in coffee and purdys chocolate, good coffee beans and top of the line hair products, I sometimes splurge on those things
99. I want to own a convertible mini cooper, I own a jeep now
100.I want to have enough money to pay off all my debts and live comfortably without ever worrying about money again!

Pepper has made her eyes a canvas. Lately she's been too busy to do anything artistic, so every morning she manages to create some unique combination of eye color for the day. Although the older crowd is often appalled she is usually met with approval by the younger ones. I love her distinctive style and the courage she has to be herself. It's so interesting to watch my daughter become a business woman. From a shy little girl who would only talk to me, to a vibrant young woman who is sincerely interested in conversing with everyone!
Dave and his Starbucks Cronies!

Here are some pictures of us at the Media club. The sisters of the Band members Ava, and Anita the endangered species with the naturally blond hair! Then Shane with his mom and dad, there to support him. Bronwyn and Colette with Pepper. They've been friends for almost eight years now!
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