Quote of The Day

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sunday Scribblings " Secret Identity"!

Sunday scribblings prompt this week is"secret Identity" here is my contribution! My guy definitely needs to keep his identity secret, for all our sakes! I apologize in advance for my wacked out brain! Imagine, I actually raised a normal kid!! Well maybe not so normal....but she'd good!!!!!
The Bute
He lives in a cavern, deep dark and dank
Dressed all in green, he bears a low rank
At times he's annoying, stubborn to clutch
he shields us from foreigners, aliens and such
Some seasons he’s toxic, contagious and cruel
So children I ask you to follow the rule
Try not to touch him; he hates to be seen
And if he is, he’ll turn your hands green
So use soap and water, sing the birthday song
Wash away his germs, to keep your friends strong
If you find one of these weirdoes in a green suit,
Don’t yell to the world that you’ve found a "Bute"
Just grab a tissue, and capture the beast
Make sure to blow hard, until he’s released!
Moms hate him, dads hate him, and teachers do too
Now if you see a Bute Boogie, you’ll know what to do!
Click to Enlarge


rel said...

That is just precious! I love it.
Your creativity boggles my mind.
Now I'm off to wash the snot off my hands. ;-)

Anonymous said...

What wonderful work you do! Makes me laugh! You are wonderfully imaginative! :) Great work!

Mary Bee said...

And whatever you do don't tell anyone you opened the tissue and looked upon such a Bute!

This is such a unique observation.

This song is from my favorite movie "Shrek", so you have moved forward great. LOL Thanks for the code. Wonder if I'll find the courage to try it. I'm so computer challenged in so many different ways.

I posted more 20 + years ago photos.

Lucy said...

GIGGLES!!! you are obsessed with booggerrsss!!
haha Great humor on this rainy sunday. xo

Tammy Brierly said...

Delightful and creative! Loved it!

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

oh you do make me laugh my bodacious friend - not my favorite subject - but you definitely found a way to giggle over it!! :)

gautami tripathy said...

Beautiful picture! So creative. I loved it.

Thanks for the visit.

vicci said...

Giggles....Thanks for your kind words about my slump...it's still here...but I'm letting it flow...see what happens...You are too funny! I like how you DRAW everything! :-)

Anonymous said...


I love this and the illustration is so great. :)

Thanks for all your comments, I appreciate them very much.

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