I have Christmas Spirit this year. Not that I have money to spend, or even time enough to Create gifts. The tree is trimmed; carols permeate the house injecting me with an overwhelming sentiment of joy. Feelings of gratitude adorn my heart as I reflect on my fortune: a peaceful country where I can sleep restfully without fear, friends and family who love me implicitly, eyes to soak in the twinkling lights and vibrant colors of the season, ears to hear the melodic sounds of music, tinkling ice cubes and laughter of loved ones.
In previous years I’ve been caught up in guilt and resentment, unable to be as charitable as I would like. I mourned the old generous spirit I used to be.
This year I won’t be getting a new Christmas outfit, or buying lavish gifts. I won’t be shopping in the malls; I won’t be making the Christmas dinner, or filling my liquor cabinet. However I will bake something for the old folk’s home up the way, visit with dear friends and family. Try to find a special token that suits them or bake something special. I’ll personalize a few cards expressing my love and send a few personal emails.
Feeling fortunate trumps any resentment I may experience being unable to give those I love something wonderful. Having been doused in the Christmas spirit this year, I’m able to enjoy each tender moment with fresh eyes, immersed peacefully in the season’s essence of love and beauty.
If you feel overwhelmed by the Christmas preparations check out “The Meandering Muse” where Shelley lists a few strategies to embrace as you prepare for those holy nights.
Ohhhh how BEAUITFUL! I feel like singing "OOOO HOLY NIGHT" *HUGS*
Sorry..I have been MIA! Geeps! I know how you feel about the Christmas "stuff" . I think I'll just get some 'eggnog' he heh!
Love your Spirit you have showing. I don't think many people have much money this year. Don't know what has happened but I sure do not have any. But love we have bunches of that to give out to friends and family. Love Hugs and Blessings
This is the true spirit of Christmas. Many blessings and much holiday cheer to you, dear Sherrie. xx, JP/deb
Baking for the old folks and serving the needy could possibly make this the best Christmas ever.
I am so fortunate, because my grandchildren, except the one just born, are all old enough to love gift cards and I have enough to give them a bit of what they want. I've done a few special cards with the ubiquitos yearly letter, gotten home made gifts for friends close by--because I shop all year when I see something they would especially like I get it and then it is all done--so no big things. I don't bake much and just get to enjoy the time before and during Christmas. I love it, having reached an age when I can relax and just enjoy! Good for you doing much the same.
this IS what christmas spirit is all about Sexy Sadie! Keep up those good vibes till season end.
May I suggest a substitute for the lavish gifts.... YOUR beautiful poetry and creative art work.. Giving that to your loved ones would be like receiving a million bucks. xoxo
( What liquor are those cubes tinkling with??, Maybe that will put ME in your mood!) haha
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