New Son-in-Law
Pepper went to the trade show in Vegas. So much to see and do with so little time. She met up with one of the proprietors from the London trade show he gave her the promised hat for her wedding. It's not due to come to the public for quite some time. I think it was one of the prototypes! She was thrilled.
The evening was spent at Coyote ugly where she celebrated her last night single. Bryan was there to cheer her on! They didn't get to bed until four in the morning! But it was a party to remember and my daughter had liquor poured down her throat....which is extremely rare as she's not much of a drinker at all!
The next morning she had no hangover....that scares me! Here they are having breakfast....immediately after was a spa date for the girls!
Refusing to pay the hundred and thirty dollars to have her hair done, they bought hot rollers, but one side of her hair didn't turn out! She tried not to stress about it, and is planning to get professional photos done in the next little while.
Bear hug!
Things do go better with coke!! Especially this couple.
The Bride Posing in her forties inspired "stop staring" dress. With her pill box hat, swag scored at the trade show!
A timeless look, down the road it will be hard to pin point which era this look is from!
Fun on the Vegas strip. It's all about vintage replication isn't it? And being who you are! This is my daughter! Actually if the truth be known I really felt ripped off not being born in the era true to my nature. For me it was the swing era!
They were slightly late for the chapel, which was very busy on Valentines day. Having viewed the dvd I was so glad I wasn't there. When the two of us start giggling it becomes infectious with no hope of halting. As she entered the chapel she smelled something like potpourri. Her throat became dry and she started to cough randomly during the ceremony. Bryan's sister scanned the church in search of water, there was none. Almost a nervous cough, she fumbled her words. It was so cute, but I giggled hysterically, I'm sure we'll all chuckle for years to come... A slight metaphor for life....Nothing is ever perfect....but she didn't sweat the small stuff so it turned out as lovely as could be!
Sister of the groom.
Just Married.
A toast and a nibble!
Just before and after they came back life was a bit fast paced for me! I loved hearing all the stories and getting prepared for their return. Writing emails, making phone calls, loading and cropping pictures on to her face book, in between doing laundry and preparing for an art show has all been very time consuming They will have a large party rather than a reception in a few months. With Bryan's basic immediate family being 27 people the rest will be my family and friends who she calls her aunties. So it won't be small by any means. They definately seem happier than ever so I guess marriage suits them well. Both tired from a few weeks non stop, I enjoyed my time home alone, but I love having them around too! They have no plans to move as we live so well communally! So everything is pretty much the same except it's official, I have a new son-in-law.
Congratulations on a FINE new son-in-law!
They look so fantastic so happy! Pepper is a knock out! Mamma mia! I LOVE the spunk and confidence I see in her! Happiness around the clock forever and ever to everyone! xoxo
oooh I forgot to add these heart that I just learned to make- ♥ ♥
They make a fabulous couple. And that red - simply knock-out! Thanks for sharing.
What great pictures and I can feel the happiness! I've heard of that Vintage show in Las Vegas,I think I'd lose my mind seeing so many wonderful vintage things. Congratulations again to Pepper and Bryan! I am so happy they will still be living with you.....May you all live happily ever after!!
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