Quote of The Day

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thursday Thirteen best decisions

Papa Geno's Restaurant in London Photos credited to Pepper

Thirteen of the best decisions I’ve made in my life!

1) Being a voice for children, with a concentrated effort to show them direction while giving them comfort, love and a peaceful place to stay during distressful times.

2)Being by my mother’s bedside during her three month stint in palliative care! Long and grueling days turned into precious last moment blessings. Finally my mother was able to see and appreciate my authentic side the way others knew me!

3) Buying a house I couldn’t afford in 1985 ended up to be lucrative decision I never regretted!

4) Another good decision was divorcing my husband of twenty three years eleven years ago! I never missed him one day, I have never looked back

5)Choosing not to take retribution with those who persecuted me has been an insightful decision. There are no winners in a game of warfare!

6)Not partnering up after my divorce was an excellent choice and gave me time to date my creative muse

7) Being open to the intimate dynamics of people, and loving those who don’t necessarily love me back.You can never love too many people.

8)Blogging was one the top best decision I ever made. Forcing me to write, and express my artistic side, while it introduced me to some great like minded cyber pals!

9)Being generous and thoughtful when I was fiscally comfortable, because now that I have less, I find it’s been returned more than ten fold.

10)Choosing to let go of the need for perfection, it was exhausting, and many times fruitless.

11)Making a regular habit of questioning whether I was happy in certain areas of my life. It forced me to opt out of toxic situations, to design a lifestyle more conducive to my personal interests and growth.

12).Believing there is a higher power! Choosing to live peacefully and have faith that I’m where I’m supposed to be, that my thoughts become things!

13)My very best decision was to fight for custody of my daughter. Although there was an exorbitant cost, over time it proved to be my very wisest decision ever! Not one day do I regret having her nestled safely under my roof!


Mary Bee said...

This is so beautiful and you have every reason to be proud of you. That said I know your life is very full, but I have challenged you to do a very constructive MeMe. You can pick it up on my blog. It is the best MeMe I've ever seen. Have fun with it. Even if you don't post it, give it a try. It is great. You've already done a lot of the thinking in your post here.

Tammy Brierly said...

You are an amazing woman and are a brave warrior. I hope I get to meet you one day! XXOO

Mary Timme said...

I'm nearly crying at how wonderful this is, my dear lady! Beautiful and uplifting in the nth degree of a post!

JP (mom) said...

Great decisions - each one!! You are a lovely person dear Sheri :) xx, JP/deb

artbrat said...

Your list is something very special and shows what a caring person you are. I truly love in number 7 "You can never love too many people." Can you imagine what things would be like if everyone embraced that concept?

J C said...

Great post! Kudos to you for being you!

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