Orphaned at thirty-five this is the extent of the family I have left, with all of my aunts and uncles now deceased too!

Oxymoron Daughter
Unique, organized
Loyal and dedicated old soul
Spiritual, thoughtful and giving
Lover of music, art, and fashion
With an amazing gift of bartering

Son in law musician,
Handy, artistic, fashionable
Creative determined talented
Writer of songs, Teller of tales
Tender hearted soul
Who exudes love in his every deed!
Treats me like a queen
Vibrant comic niece
Mature beyond her years
Witty worrier like her dad
Compassionate and loyal
Athletic, Writer, songstress
Propensity for styling hair
Like my mom had
Domestic Bodybuilder Brother
Passionate about
His offspring, nutrition
Family and money
Generous, funny, imaginative
Loving, thoughtful
Current, and cautious!
Natural athlete, Musician
Like his grandpa
Stylish, kind, quiet boy
Adaptable, easygoing
Mysterious and loving
Idolizes his father
Enthusiastic Sister-in-law
Kind Pioneer female
Intelligent, athletic, witty, and artistic
Goal oriented, fun seeker
Friendly, fashionable
Versatile, jester,
Who appreciates family!
What a wonderful family you have, i love seeing them each time i come here.
I was just wondering have you sent you end of our trade, if so i fear it may be lost.
Great sentiments! Loved the photos!
I loved the individual poems you customized to fit each special family members personality! You may have a small family but they sure look Big on love. You are truly blessed by wonderful family Miss Giggley girl. ♥
Aloha sherri..
I love this tribute to your family. I have watched mine grow smaller as the generations have fewer children..
I think reading your words makes me realise how much we have to hold dear the ones we are left to cherish..
PEace, KAi
I loved getting to know your family's personalities! Pepper looks GREAT in that shot. You have a beautiful family!
You have a beautiful family. I'm sure they're honored with your loving words.
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