Hard to Right
The third of May
A disturbing phone call
Impeded my day
I ran from work
Jumped into my car
The arduous drive
Seemed so far

Nurses hovered
The intensive care
Alone, so small
Oh what a scare
Severance, my choice
that thirty fourth year
A plight that sanity
Would hopefully appear

Her brash judgments
Fostered my ire
That vulnerable moment
Doused my fire
Diagnosed stroke
A bleed in the head
Aphasic condition
Restrained to her bed

Test after test
Still nothing was clear
Determined to know
Confirmed, my worst fear
Terminal cancer
Primary, the lung
Words permeated while
A thousand bees stung

My sad little mother
Boisterous no more
Unable to speak
Quality care I’d implore
I read her eyes
She read mine
next three month
I was lost in time

Silent reverence
She saw my grace
Approving love
Was in her face
Mother and daughter
No longer fraught
Besieged with the praise
I’d always sought

A gift of weeks
Void ongoing spite
Unforgiving lost moments
Are hard to right!
Take today to forgive, it will lighten your soul!
thank you so much for this.. forgiveness is the one thing you can never give or receive enough of isn't it... wonderful....
happy mothers day....
Very sad, but at the same time complete. I think sometimes we can build our own belief if it is lacking in the very people who should perhaps give the gift of self belief to us.
That's such a powerful message. Thank you for that.
That's such a powerful message. Thank you for that.
Beautiful words and the addition of the eye photos is perfect. (And you have such pretty eyes!)
Happy Mother's Day to you....I hope you have a wonderful day.
Dear Love Goddess,
Thank you for your beautiful poetry. What a graceful way to share such an IN-tense experience.
Your ART is lovely as well.
Wishing you,
Peace & Love, Just Because,
Goddess Diana
very intense and beautiful. I love the photography as well.
Your soulful gorgeous eyes added such intensity to this very poignant piece of personal tragedy, with as always your positive spin on making us learn from your experience, to forgive. You are an amazing writer Miss Giggles, as well as an amazing woman. Such an appropriate day to share your anguish and love for your mom.
hope you had a wonderful MOthers Day. ♥
A powerful message in poetic form. Forgiveness is wonderful medicine for both the giver and the receiver.
The eyes say so much - sometimes more than we can say with words.
Wishing you a happy Mother's Day, Sherrie~((hugs))
Your words speak mountains to my soul. Beautiful sentiments brought on by an event none of us want. Thank you!
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