If I had a single flower for every time I think about you,
I could walk forever in my garden. ~Claudia Ghandi
8/15/2006 to 6/3/2007 Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a
memory no one can steal. ~From a headstone in Ireland

She fluttered on this earth for just a moment
Picked the sweetest parents she could
Hoping they’d not forget her
Knowing they never would

She fluttered on this earth to make a difference
While here she impacted many
When she flitted up to heaven
Dry eyes, she’d not left any

She fluttered on this earth for just a moment
So the world could truly see
What an angel looked like
And how one came to be
She fluttered on this earth to make a difference
And you know what she found
So many people who loved her
So many she’d astound
She fluttered on this earth and made a difference
Now we’ll never be the same
When you see little purple wings
It’s that precious angel, Jayna is her name
By Happytiler
Give sorrow words; the grief that does not speak whisper
the o'er-fraught heart and bids it break. ~William Shakespeare
Jayna's Angels A year today Jayna died. Still devastated her mom has had no time to grieve. Contending with her four and a half year old disabled son is a full time job. For the last six weeks they’ve been in and out of Children’s hospital dealing with deteriorating health issues. Both mom and son have picked up yet another virus, the hazards of spending long bouts in Children’s. Ethan was poked and prodded to Selina's chagrin. She slept many hours along side him despite his flailing new symptoms unrelated to previous seizures. Some days she was able to muster bouts of wonderful humor, radiating love to her son and husband. Nurses found these parents to be inspiring for other families on the ward. Other days it took everything to find strength to keep it together as she had mini melt downs.
One particular day (during that vulnerable time of month) she wept as she asked god why this was happening to her son. Seeing her tear stained face and sensing her distress, one special nurse bought her a coffee and muffin with her own money. Barriers penetrated it was just one mother attempting to comfort another mother.I cried when she relayed this story to me.
Life is hard for this couple; Ethan now has a feeding tube. Instead of taking the day to commemorate Jayna, Selina is nursing a virus and her son. If you could only see the dedication this couple has for this beautiful little boy, and to each other. You’d never again make one complaint about your own healthy child.
My heart goes out to this little family as mom and son are confined to home on the anniversary of Jayna’s death. I have dedicated a wall in my loft for Jayna’s angels. My dream is to honor this sweet angel with my art. To bring parents together with my grief wings so that those who’ve lost children will never again feel alone in their sorrow!
I've known this couple for over twenty years, I could never have imagined their life would be full of such hardship. Just know I am thinking of you guys with so much love.Praying one day there will be the answers you're looking for.
My heart breaks for your friends Sherrie. I can't imagine what they are going through, have been through. Your poem and your beautiful angel bags are wonderful loving ways to support your long time friends. I pray Jayna's brother is okay real soon.
these pics of Jayna are just so touching. What a beautiful little angel. My thoughts are with you tonight. ♥
i am touched by their ability to cope with all of this tragedy in their lives.. i cannot imagine so much being heartache being shouldered by two such loving creatures... i am not a believer,, but i have to say were i ,, i would have to question a loving god....
thank you for bringing me reality today..
What an inspiring couple to weather so many storms and still cling to each other with such dedication. This song is making me cry. My prayers are with this family.
remembering Jayna today and Aleta and Asa and some others who are
"in heaven"....
and sending love to you.
This post just tugged at my heart. So much to handle for this family....and they seem to be doing it with a lot of love from their friends.
That poem brings tears, and my heart goes out to this couple. I cannot begin to imagine their pain and grief. What a loving tribute you have written.
tears are streaming down my face. The greatest gift that can be given to a bereaved mum is to have someone remember.
thank you
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