Quote of The Day

Saturday, June 14, 2008

June Honeymoon, My off Beat Bride

My daughter was an off beat bride and had an off beat wedding. I knew at seven years old when she asked for an album of " Queen's " music, and divorced Barbie for trolls that she had no intention of following the mainstream. She told me at seven she would be married in either a purple dress or a red dress. While on a search for a dress she stuck to those two colors! To this day she never wears white! She defied convention then and still does! Never a dull moment with my girl who was married Feb 14th, 2008. Was I upset that she planned to elope? Not a chance I encouraged them to do what made them happy. We keep hearing of horror stories where mothers take control of what is suppose to be the brides day! I wonder if the fact that I never enjoyed my wedding day was a precursor to the subsequent 23 years?

Knowing the groom had been wanting red shoes for well over a year, the bride went on an extensive search finding the last two back east, only one pair size 12! She spent less time worrying about her own shoes.Instead she had his shoes shipped here and presented them as a wedding gift. They made for perfect Valentine shoes!

Click image to enlarge
Tinker is having a celebration called June Honeymoon, I made it! Posting one minute before midnight pacific standard time! Perfect, being the Night Hawk that my off beat bride is she would love getting married right at midnight! Surrounded in purple and green! Candle light aglow, indy music of all unheard artists playing in the back ground! A quirky cake with the angel Aunt Tuition whispering good wishes, checking out the groom to make sure he's on the up and up! My girl Chaise is ready for her special day. Would I want an wedding like hers!! Hell yes! For more off beat weddings and pictures, check out this cool website.....I wanted to post some of the pictures on my blog but was worried about copy right infringement!! So this is what you get!!! Hope you live happily ever after Chaise, and Pepper too!


Anonymous said...

What a fun post, Sherrie! Pepper is a beautiful bride (love that she hunted for her honey's red shoes - what a sweetheart), and I love followed the beat of her own drumming heart to have exactly the kind of wedding she wanted.

Love the little bride you created as well - purple and green are my two favorite colors! I'm so glad you were able to join us in playing along and dancing 'neath the June HoneyMoon! Thanks for the dance~XOXO

Caroline said...

Off the beaten track maybe but to the beat of her own heart! And she looks gorgeous - especially framed by those long sought red shoes - what a caring present to get for him.

I also love your picture - I'm especially taken by the stripy legged cake topper!

gma said...

Pepper is gorgeous.What a lovely bride!!! Wow Ryans shoes (and socks)are the bomb!!!Love it!
So glad they are happy....
Sending love to you all!!!

Anonymous said...

I always love your tales about Pepper. You can always tell she follows her heart. You have a great daughter there. Any Mother would be blessed to have a daughter like Pepper. I was glad to see she did her own thing for her wedding also. I also loved your drawing(as I always do by the way). Love Hugs and Blessings

Tammy Brierly said...

I think Pepper looked beautiful and I'm happy you supported their elopement. :)

This illustration is one of my favorites.

Love ya!

Lucy said...

is that YOU on top of the wedding cake??
LOVE your drawing Sherrie! Pepper is a gorgeous girl! Her eyes are just incredible!
LOVE Bryans red shoes!! She is a sweetie pie.xox

artbrat said...

Pepper was a beautiful bride. I love hearing you share about her and Bryan. I can feel the amount of love you all have for each other.

What a fun cake and bride you've made. I just love her hat.

DMG said...

Your daughter is beautiful AND an original. What fun she must have been, and, I'm sure still is! You put me in touch with how proud of my own two sons free spirited sons: One dressed only in costume combinations for an entire year, and the first love-of-his-life was Tina Turner! My other son fought for 3 years to direct a high school producttion of The Laramie Project, here in the heart of the Bible Belt. We are lucky moms! I enjoyed perusing your blog so much that I'm adding it to my blog roll right now.


GreenishLady said...

I love the style of your daughter and her groom. - Those red shoes are marvellous! And your bridal illustration is lovely too. Sorry I didn't get here sooner, but am enjoying meeting all these brides!

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