Orb behind Peppers back June 20/2008
Mom always promised she’d tap us on the left shoulder after she passed, to indicate her presence. It wasn’t long after her death lights began to flicker. Being a newer home it seemed odd, it always happened during noted moments of importance to mom. Sometimes while playing cards, which she loved, during conversations of her liking, even times when she’d have been disgruntled. Afterwards I often joked “there’s mom again!”

Same orb follows Pepper June 20/2007 as she dances, mom loved ballroom dancing too!
Still very young Pepper came running out of her bedroom to tell me it felt like someone tapped her on the shoulder. I quizzed which shoulder it was. She pointed to her left one. Not wanting to alarm her I withheld my same experience that morning. I let it go, then filed it in my archives.
The following night my girlfriend was over, we sat in the living room chatting. Mid sentence in an unrelated conversation she looked up in the corner of the room, blurted out “Your mom is here, she says she loves you!” continued on with her original thought, not skipping a beat. It floored me, goose bumps rose on my arms. She wasn’t privy to what had transpired with Pepper the previous night. It was so nonchalant, yet she seemed compelled to relay the message at that very moment, before finishing her thought. The corner she looked up at has been known to capture orbs.

Orb over Peppers head, amongst her only three grandchildren.
Three years ago Pepper was playing Keno in a pub; playing the same few numbers for quite some time, winning a buck or two here and there she took a break and stopped playing for a bit. I was there, unlike my mom I’m not much of a gambler. Pepper quickly looked behind her rather confused. I asked what was troubling her. “Felt like something just touched my shoulder right here” She said while touching her left shoulder. There wasn’t a soul anywhere near us. “Quick” I said”Go buy some new numbers, its MY MOM.” She waited too long, the next numbers that came up were all of the numbers she’d been playing. Pepper is the daughter my mom wished she’d had. Already having been to Vegas she would have been more than willing to join mom in

Look to the left corner, one huge orb, two small above the group.
July 2007 lights again flickered often. September 2007 after ignoring the constant flickering lights I found out my brother had been suffering alone with a personal crisis, not wanting to upset me. I regretted not heeding the signs. After Christmas when he had that polyp he was ignoring they started again. I made sure to pay attention and hounded him to have it removed. He did.
Many things have happened since, some eerie in nature, some comforting. When my daughter travels alone she always feels like someone is with her. While in
For another story along these lines visit Lucy at Lulus petals!
That is very cool! It gave me chills. I wish my mom and grandma were a bit more lively. ;)
you are very very lucky to get all these visits - they must be comforting in some way --- thanks for sharing your story!!!
I've not seen orbs, but have had expericences not similar, but rather in the same vein. And the double shadow when you are alone--that too. I'm so glad it happens to others. Whew! I'm not the only one!
Wow, this is amazing. I've seen one or two orbs but that's usually after a beer or two! I quite envy you your ever present mum. Actually mine IS ever present because she's still alive and kicking!
WoW Sherrie! Those ORBS are definitely your MOM!
YOur perceptiveness of realizing and identifying these instances ARE great! I think many are given signs from beyond but just don't recognize them.
Not only was your tale so interesting, You wrote it so well, I was totally captivated! ( and lately, not much is holding my interest! haha)
thanks for linking to my ghost experience.. I tell ya... ever since then- I am a little shy in the bedroom (ehHe ahem) and the shower!
These are wonderful experiences to read. I was telling FP last night that I think when my stepdad died five years ago, my mom said that she kept finding pennies showing up in odd places ... I'm going to ask her about it today.
I'm so glad you and Pepper are surrounded by loved ones. xx, JP/deb
How sweet that you should have contact from those you love! I wish mine did... I miss them so much! :)
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