Friday I got my hair cut even shorter than I did six weeks ago. I loved the original cut, but wanted it angeled up more...What doesn't she get about angled's pretty self explanatory!! Angled doesn't mean fill the floor with hair does it??? Any hoo I took my short ass hair over to..........
My friend Violette's, for Grahams birthday party!! That's her hunka hunka burnin love!! I don't know Graham well. It was so nice to see both his adult children constantly hugging him, they just beamed with love and pride for their dad! Truly a demonstrative heart swelled seeing such love! It reminded me of my dad...and how lucky I was. So many kids are void of emotionally connected fathers!
This is Graham preparing to blow his candles out before they burn down the house!!! He seems to be a real ham....(Gray-ham)!!
My other artist friend Nicci was there with her hubby and adorable most well behaved little guy Duran!! That child is the wisest old soul I have ever met since my daughter and my cousin were that age! It must be an only child thing!! He speaks and acts like a small adult. kudos's to his parents...they're doing a wonderful job!
I settled in to a a fantastic feast of many salads and BBQ burger while Chatting with those I'd not seen in ages. Pepper made a Picnic, and met Bryan after work at the Park.Where they munched on stuffed chicken breasts, Greek Salad and Corn.
She also put a little sumpin sumpin in their reusable water bottles! That's my green water bottle but she took it because it matched the shirt Bryan was wearing!
While at the park they bumped into my dear Friend Laura the Gypsy Goddess. As you can see she wears her name well, all decked out in apple green! That's a couple of Laura's friends I've never met. Originally I was going to join Laura, but my gibbled knee made it less appealing.
As you can see the fluid in the water bottles was slightly fermented and took hold!! I guess that's what lovers do. Goodness knows it's been so long, I'd hardly know how to act! Do you think they're having fun yet?
As you can see....they did have fun watching the procession of luminaries! Taking photos of all the entertainment....gosh you didn't think my friend Gypsy goddess dressed that like for a walk in the park every day did you? That's one of her luminaries outfits!! She has many!
luminaries people dress in fun garb and parade with rice lanterns around the park in a celebration of light! This is only the second event of this nature in Surrey. I usually drive to Vancouver for the one in July. This year it was canceled with the lack of funding... it's way more expensive now that it's grown beyond what is manageable! What was once a quiet local event seemed to bring the whole city out, forcing the need for clean up and policing!
Shortly after dusk the lanterns are lit and paraded around the park! It's definately an artistic event for all to enjoy!
Even an octopus showed up, baby in tow!
The fairies
The little blue men!
Raggedy Ann's!
And none other than those famous over fifty Red Hatters! Who swear they'll wear purple when they get old!! I don't need a group to wear's one of my colors Baby....I own it!! These ladies were kind enough to sponsor this event too!
Here is a sweety with a red hatter lantern....quite artistic, very pretty. But what I'm lovin is those red thongs she's wearing... I want them! Thongs as in shoes...not the present day bum floss!
Looks like Ma and Pa Kettle....remember those movies.... I loved them as a kid! Pardon me .....but is my age showing?
Ooohwee I love the blue outfit with matching lantern!! Matchy matchy...I love matching!
The bunny was taking wishes in a bucket... then I think he was burning them at the end of the night or something cool like that!
Look at this glow worm....doesn't it just fit in, cute....Yeah I'm a dork!
This is a very new park, an attempt to clean up this part of the city. Love the yin yang inlay to the walk.
These are lanterns.....yes they are.......ADORABLE!! Nice way to end the little luminaries festival tour! Came back tomorrow to read about Sweetie Pie!
GiGGLLEESS!!! I LoVE your new look! Did you want it angled up the back? in other words, more concave? I can see that. but YOu look absolutely Beautiful!! love the new glasses too! What is up with this luminary park? HOW amazing! I feel like I'm looking thru the looking glass. So Wonderlandish! We don't HAVE anything like this on L.I. that I'm aware of! WHAT fun! Glad your goddess friend doesn't just dress that way to go walking! haha At first I thought.. WHAT ThE $#@&?? haha Nice post Miss Pickle! xoxo
I would of loved this...and I would of loved to have dressed for it also...And look just stunning....So nice to see what blog friends look like....
First, I like the new haircut. And the birthday party for Graham looks like such fun but WOW....I love all the photos of the luminaries! Great costumes!!
So many creative expressions! Great photography, too. Looks like so much fun. And I like your new 'do.
Wow it looks like such fun and I had fun seeing those photo's. And as for Ma and Pa kettle I loved those movies too.
GiGGLLEESS!!! I LoVE your new look!
Did you want it angled up the back? in other words, more concave? I can see that.
but YOu look absolutely Beautiful!!
love the new glasses too!
What is up with this luminary park? HOW amazing! I feel like I'm looking thru the looking glass. So Wonderlandish! We don't HAVE anything like this on L.I. that I'm aware of! WHAT fun! Glad your goddess friend doesn't just dress that way to go walking! haha At first I thought.. WHAT ThE $#@&??
Nice post Miss Pickle! xoxo
Thanks for taking us on this jaunt with you ... the pictures and commentary were wonderful!! xx, JP/deb
What fun pictures you have posted. Thanks for sharing. Made me feel good to see all the smiley, happy faces! xoxoxo
I love the haircut.
I would of loved this...and I would of loved to have dressed for it also...And look just stunning....So nice to see what blog friends look like....
First, I like the new haircut. And the birthday party for Graham looks like such fun but WOW....I love all the photos of the luminaries! Great costumes!!
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