Quote of The Day

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Sunday Scribblings Observation

Although "Meet the Browns" is peppered with a bit of humor, it really takes on a serious tone. Not like your usual Tyler Perry laugh out loud films. This movie really speaks to the plight of the single mom and her struggles. How when she knows better she does better. This movie is geared towards women, and will jerk your emotions all over the board.

Sunday Scribblings prompt this week is Observation

The following poem is dedicated to moms who do it all! That may be ones in a dysfunctional partnership ( disability, abuse, mental illness, emotional detachment) who once they awaken from the fog will realize they're partnered in name only and single moms all along! This poem is for those women who honor traditional values sometimes to their detriment. While no one really knows what goes on in their hearts!

My Observation


Hard working

Single moms

Inundated with housework

A job and child care

Fall through the cracks

Wedged between

Obligation and ethic


Soldiers of motherhood

Putting children first

Neglecting needs

Obliterating wants

Depleting fiscal means

Finagling each penny

Stretching it beyond capacity

Self esteem tries to ward off

Scattered resentment

Delivered with mandated

Child support

Barely enough

To sustain an animal

Let alone a child

Under valued

Their youth fades

Into the shadows

While Dreams die

Physical and emotional

Aches, eat away the hours

Zapped of hope

They are set aside

In another realm

Where only the Children

Know their Truth!


linda may said...

I know what you mean. My husband who I have always love dearly, was like that when the kids were small and left everything up to me. He felt his job was to earn our living and be on every committee in our small town, so he didn't spend time with the people who needed him most.
Well written.
Males eh! Cant live with em, can't live without em either.He he.

Maree Jones said...

An interesting take on the world of single motherhood. I have a few friends who made the choice to be single parents and even though it is hard, they embrace it and of course, love their children fiercely. I'm not sure they would agree with your take on their lives, but I suspect they would recognise parts of themselves in your poem. Personally, I can't imagine anything harder than rearing a child or children alone!

paisley said...

my hat is off to you and all of your single mothers counterparts.. i do not know how you guys do it,, and i know whatever strength it is you have i can only envy....

gautami tripathy said...

Great tribute for single mothers...

Has anything changed?

Tammie Lee said...

I ran into a mom in the market yesterday. From the wee bit we spoke, I do believe you have described her here!

Anonymous said...

I can relate to all of it, well said as usual! Unfortunately for most of us, it is a choice forced upon us through circumstances, such as an abusive spouse, a choice for a peaceful life. It is worth it!

Lucy said...

you've really gotten to the soul of these amazing women! YOU included! We have to HOPE their children know Sher, I've seen too many selfless women, who are taken advantage of by the kids they've given their lives up for.
This gave me arm AND leg chills! YOu have a gift for expression Giggs!

danni said...

i can relate so strongly to every single word you wrote - seems like only yesterday instead of forty plus years ago that i lived it all - looking back on it, i can hardly believe i got through it - i don't know if i could be that strong again --- thanks for speaking up on behalf of all these struggling warriors!!!!!

danni said...

i can relate so strongly to every single word you wrote - seems like only yesterday instead of forty plus years ago that i lived it all - looking back on it, i can hardly believe i got through it - i don't know if i could be that strong again --- thanks for speaking up on behalf of all these struggling warriors!!!!!

Linda Jacobs said...

I like how you describe them as "soldiers of motherhood"! And your short lines feel like columns of troops marching into the battle of their lives. Excellent poem!

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