Quote of The Day

Today's Quote
Every burden is a blessing.
Walt Kelly

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Mystele made me a Winner again!

Angels by MYSTELE
Check out Mysteles art on her blog " Little Glimpses folkart and her,esty shop,
it's lovely and affordable!

She's gearing up for Christmas and will be posting new pieces on friday sept 5th!
Order ahead for Christmas!
Ever since I have been walking around saying I'm a WINNER.....I really have been. I truly believe I am!! It's the law of attraction....I am detached from the outcome...but inside I do feel like a winner. I never did before....so I recommend changing your language. Refer to yourself in the positive! I do think it works! Lately I've won more things than ever before.I feel very blessed! Yesterday one of my winnings came in the mail. I am in love with MYSTELES work and I hope she doesn't mind me advertising her angels on my blog! It took a long time to come from Illinois! But I can't tell you how thrilled I am with my five by seven print which I will frame and hang right over my computer! Thank you from the bottom of my heart Mystele! Your art makes me so HAPPY!!!

I've been trying to look back at my life when money flowed easily. There were emotional aspects that were difficult but life was more abundant. I asked myself how did I act then. I know I was very generous, I was helpful, thoughtful....more than I am now. Slowly I'm turning things back around. Do you have any changes you want to make in your life? I do think it starts inside. September is the beginning of my NEW YEAR. I'm rarely mainstream so I don't march to same the accordion as most. I enjoy my uniqueness, and this is my month to set goals, and start anew. As you can see as much as I loved my last header a change is as good as a rest! So I thought this would be the start of my new year! I have no kids going to school, but many life changes are transpiring around me.... How about you....any special plans for the new year?


Janet said...

The new banner looks great! I really need to learn more about that kind of stuff so I can change mine.

You are one lucky gal!! That painting is so cool. And I agree with you that somehow this time of year seems like a new beginning. Fall has never felt like an ending to me. But then I love Fall!!

Sandee said...

I agree with you. Being a winner starts from within. I love your direction and agree that we all need to access what path we are going to take. I applaud you for this vision. Have a great day sweetie. Big hug. :)

Lucy said...

Love The new header Sherrie!! I really hope your attitude is contagious! You always seem to be so insightful to your insides!
I feel so overwhelmed by life itself, and wish I could make the same efforts!
Happy New year! Just love your philosophy and your uniqueness! Don't change your insides tooo much, they pretty near perfect! xoxox

paisley said...

that image is to die for... what a beautiful gift to have bestowed upon you... but then,,, we both know how much you deserve it.....

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