Quote of The Day

Today's Quote
Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends.
William Butler Yeats

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas Spirit

The tree at the party Saturday night!

I am struck with the Christmas spirit this year. Some years it's overwhelmingly present, other years it just feels like every other day. Why is that I wonder? Maybe I just feel more grateful for all the beauty, love and kindness bestowed me. Really there seems to be no rhyme or reason to it. Maybe it's the past memories. It's never about gift giving or receiving....it's more the fellowship of friends and family.Either participating or observing acts of charity and kindness.

Wonders of wonders we have snow, expected to stay until Christmas...A White Christmas for us! Very exciting. Except it took my friend eight hours to make a four hour trip from Kelowna. She brought her dog, which is thrilling for us having been without for two years now. I'll get photos later. He's so adorable.


KaiBlue said...

Aloha Sherrie, cant wait to see the puppy pics!
Don't you love a white Christmas?
PEace, Kai

Sandee said...

You and I view Christmas the same way. We want the fellowship of family and friends. That's what Christmas is all about.

Have a terrific day and Christmas. :)

Mary Timme said...

I agree that some years it is so real to have Christmas and others not so much. I expect it is where we are in our lives a lot. I know so many who are struggling with hardship and death lurking, but this year it is all joy for me. Even for those hurting, because I know it can and will get better somehow. I don't have to know how. I just know. . .and what is better than that hope. Nothing! Merry Christmas, Sherrie!

Mary Timme said...

I agree that some years it is so real to have Christmas and others not so much. I expect it is where we are in our lives a lot. I know so many who are struggling with hardship and death lurking, but this year it is all joy for me. Even for those hurting, because I know it can and will get better somehow. I don't have to know how. I just know. . .and what is better than that hope. Nothing! Merry Christmas, Sherrie!

Queen-Size funny bone said...

you better start passing that holiday cheer around and fast. Many including myself are just not getting it this year. Send some of that spirit this away...

Lucy said...

Sherrieeeee!! Hellllooo!!
Usually we are on the same page soul sista, but this year... geeesh It is like you describe- every other day. actually not even as nice as 'every other day', more like sadness and crying at every memory, every Christmas song (chestnuts playing now making me weepy) feeling overwhelmed instead of graciously grateful as you are. What is wrong with me Sher??
Maybe I need to roast my chestnuts put on my big girl pants and just get over it all!!!
(pretty tree) Happy u have a snowy white Christmas. xoxo

Lucy said...

ooooh one more thing I can't believe I forgot to say! LOVE the pretty header and Love that pretty shot of you!
Your eye makeup always looks professionally applied! Having allergies to most shadows, I am stuck with only eye pencil(black or brown only) and mascara.
so I really notice and admire gorgeous eyes! YOurs are gorgeous toots!! xox

Anonymous said...

beeeyoutiFULL tree! enjoy your friend and doggie.

Patois42 said...

I love it when the spirit hits. I'm grateful it hits most years for me.

Tumblewords: said...

Merry Christmas to you and yours! I'm trying to hookybob on your holiday spirit! :)

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