"It is Christmas every time you let God love others through you...yes, it is Christmas every time you smile at your brother and offer him your hand.."
Mother Teresa
Christmas was busy, with snow abounding. Not only did I have lots of company, I was privy to a few lovely dinners with family and friends. My knee was a bit of a nuisance. Christmas eve day my car stalled in the middle of the road, in loads of unploughed snow while exiting my garage to run around for those last minutes sundries. Paralyzed in thought for quite a few moments, pondering a solution, my neighbors rescued me, and pushed me back into my garage. I searched the net to rearrange a few recipes, making due with what I had. I substituted bacon for ham, and cheezies for dried onion rings! It turned out marvelously! I took a small turkey out of the freezer believing I might be stranded Christmas. However in the afternoon my car started, enabling me to join my friends for dinner! A nice gift for me!
My friends has us wrap a fun gift from the house, preferably something we no longer need or want, we then draw names for the exchange and steal. Much hilarity ensued, as Katie opened two Christmas characters from the eighties, a male opened a red pashmina, a grandma opened a diffuser of oil that she knew she disliked the smell of, and Jeff opened two ceramic tiles with black cats. Last year he ended up with a huge orange box of his mothers 1970's recipes. At least the tile cats were a little less invasive!

The season has been full of love and spirit. Loads of good food, and laughter. I touched base with many people I love, feeling blessed having done so! I am still enjoying a few quiet moments with my immediate family, playing games, watching movies, adding a piece or two to the puzzle they made and playing our traditional games of Dr. Mario!
Propelled in the universe
Can literally change lives

I believe harmony
Is possible
When you have
Respect and adoration
I believe happiness
Can live abundantly
If you choose

I believe you can have
And have
I believe children
Born innocent
Corrupted by pain
Are salvaged by care
I believe family
Can ignite passion
Or diminish you
With a few words

I believe friends
Are the souls
And salvation
I believe spirit
In the foreground
Awaiting attention
I believe joy
Is found in simplicity
By honoring gratitude
And making positive choice

I believe the home
Should always be
A soft place
To fall
I believe music is
A reflection
Of humanity, history
I believe decency
Can trump some iniquity
Beam intervention
Flourish everlastingly
I believe positive
Energy is more attractive
Than negative
and gains more accolades
I believe you attract
What you are
Any aversion
Is self disdain
I believe the strive for
Is born of
Feeling inadequate

I believe disregarded pain
Is the root
Of apathy
And addiction

I believe we all need
And intimate connections
I believe I need
For creative
Juice to spawn

I believe
We have an endless
Vessel of self
Not yet discovered
I believe many things
Mostly I believe
Laughter is the best medicine
and love is always the answer!
I believe you are right on the money here. Excellent.
Have a great week filled with much joy and love. Big hug. :)
Well it certainly looks like a good time was had by all. You are a lucky lady when it comes to friends and family...
Indeed! Your post is superb, the photos inspiring, your words ring so true and impart the 'I believe' spirit! The best of all to you and yours in 2009! And further! :)
What a great poem! I'm so glad your Christmas was filled with love and family. It's evident in the photos. Thanks for sharing.
I love the photos, they are scrumptious. I can see the happiness of your Christmas in your words.
When we lived on the farm and in Alaska and again in Perry Park, I learned not to worry much about things I didn't have for a recipe. I've never been good at following them and see them as suggestion. Substitution is always a good thing!
I believe family
Can ignite passion
Or diminish you
With a few words
the whole post rocked,, but this one line made me really understand....
I beleive in festivals which bring families together.
Wonderful post!
guts wrench out.....
And please do visit Poetry Train being run each Monday!
What a lovely post and you believe in lovely things. I envy your busy christmas with friends, mine is /was quiet. I have not had a busy christmas like yours since I was a kid.
What a lovely Christmas you had. Thanks so much for sharing a truly wonderful holiday. I hope you have more and more of these moments through the coming year.
Only a FABULOUS cook (and baker!) could substitute with what's on hand and end up with a yummy result!! and this Poem!! I don't know which line I love best because they are all so true, so meaningful and moved me so so much! (I think this one may end up on walls around the world!) Your family photos are so warm and you can just see the love and comfortable feeling everyone has from falling into your soft place.... home sweet home. oxoxo
Magnificent beliefs. Wonderful ones to hold always.
You, your friends and family just ooze love. It's just a feel-good moment to come here. Happy New Year, my friend.
All I can say is - fabulous photos and beautiful words. A joy to look at and read. Happy New year.
dazzling post where family (and friends?) love burns brightly from those exceptional photos and your delightful narration. Happy New Year!
I think you are a very wise woman who has managed to take a difficult and painful early life and create a lovely life and home for your beautiful family. You deserve all of this. Thank you for always sharing.
So many of your words are so astute: Perfectionism and feeling inadequate, addiction & apathy
disregarded pain.
But mostly what I got from this post is joy and love and laughter. Glad you've been enjoying. We have too!
Happy New Year.
Thank you for sharing all your wonderful beliefs and wonderful holiday pictures. So many of your beliefs touched my heart. May 2009 be just as joyous!
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