Quote of The Day

Today's Quote
The true art of memory is the art of attention.
Samuel Johnson

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Sunday Scribblings " Late"

Enjoy the beauty that surrounds
The gifts you were born with

the wisdom you've accumulated
Then Celebrate in all the glory that's you!

Sunday Scribblings "LATE" which I will admit is my middle name!

I promised myself I would never make my child late, to date I haven't!

Inspired by a blog I read on keeping it real

She exhibited a jumble of imperfection

But I won’t go in that direction

If I want to air my vast disarray

Last week would have been the perfect display

Clothes strewn across my whole top floor

Ousted from their space, in piles galore

Daughter’s closet broke down, being over taxed

She decided to renovate, build new racks

I was worried how long it take to install

Out of town guest to visit, a mess wall to wall

I was grumpy, crabby, worried, I stewed

My mouth got to pumping out things that were rude

Fear engulfed my good nature, snuffed it away

As I stumbled over closet assortments day after day

Got to the point I couldn’t say a word,

Sour look on my face as though suffering gerd!

So I crossed my fingers hoped it would be done

A miracle of miracles, the process begun

Painting, hammering, screwing with a drill

Painstakingly purging, and packing, what a thrill!

Time to resume our holiday routine

Fresh sheets on the bed, things to straighten and clean

Finally tranquility floated like tissue taken to wind

Wiping out chaos, ugly thoughts I’d rescind

The day had arrived for my friend to appear

I prepared a special supper for when she got here

Road closure, a blizzard made her four hours late

When she finally arrived, she already ate!

We laughed!

So happy she was safe!


Forgetfulone said...

What beautiful photos and a great poem.

Lucy said...

hahaha LOve your sense of humor! Suffering gerd! was too perfectly funny!
Glad your closet disaster is over. I get the same exact way with disarray! My family hates that trait in me! I really find it difficult to function daily if things are crazy messy. A little bit I can handle. So happy your friend arrived safely.
HEY! I miss u!! xox

Sandee said...

Not participating, but wanted to comment. All the Christmas photographs are beautiful. Wow, really great decorations. I like the saying beneath each too.

Have a terrific day. Big hug. :)

Queen-Size funny bone said...

I always find your photos so whimsical I just want to escape into them.

Roan said...

Lovely photos. My daughter often makes me late. Love the humor!

lilly said...

Nice one! and I always enjoy your pics.

Patois42 said...

I'm a stickler for being on time. Actually I guess "Early" would have to be my middle name. I fret when anyone is late, imagining the worst.

Linda Jacobs said...

Gorgeous decorations and a lively and entertaining poem!

Sue Seibert said...

Ha. I know the feeling(s)! Glad she arrived safely!

Tumblewords: said...

Photos are full of charming happiness and the closet is a nifty thing! Late is hard to cope with...
Happy everything to you!

Pam Aries said...

Hi Sherrie! Long time no blog! Your Christmas decor is so gorgeous! Very magical. The poem is so funny...I ca see it all unfolding! we are having a blizzard in Portland even as we type!

Anonymous said...

Your humor and sensibility keeps you in check. Great poem & Photos. Oh, usually my kids are not late, but it's happened and been my fault and I used to be an "early" person.

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