Journal Bliss, and the fun begins!
The celebrations began last week for my 53rd birthday. Funny I still feel 13. Seems like I just started doing what I truly love. I am only forty years behind. Oh well it's never too late to follow your Bliss as my friend Violette touts in her New Book Journal Bliss. Be sure to pop back on monday when Violette answers a few questions I threw her way for a promotional blog tour supporting her visually exciting and inspirational new book! I could not be more thrilled for my friend than if I'd written the book myself!!
Last night we had a scrumptious Greek dinner on the beach where the time flew by as we flitted from one subject to another with a sense of glee. Never enough time to fit in all the ideas when two Gemini minds ignite! Violette urged me to draw and start a blog, guiding me out of a dark forest where's I'd been aimlessly walking through a labyrinth of creativity trying to find the right direction. Having been the first person to refer to me as an artist Violette has been my creative doula. Supporting me through the birth of my art when I had no clue I could draw a stick! It's a gift that keeps on giving, filling me up, it's a mystery, a prophecy, an endless vessel of fulfillment. I only wish I'd been introduced to the possibilities of that gift when I was thirteen. If you know of any artistic people creatively flailing around be sure to recommend this book to help them out of their creative doldrums! Also a perfect gift for an artistic grad!
Today is my birthday, it's hot and the suns shining. I'm doing exactly what I want to do. I considered test driving a Honda Fit. Instead I'm finishing up a revamp on an old table, reading Violette's book Journal Bliss, the kids are making me a BBQ. I will continue to do art, while watching a few movies we rented....the perfect day in my eyes.Oh yeah and I have to fit in a nap since I was awake at three AM last night!!!
I hand you my heart!A new acrylic angel completed this week
Tomorrow it's goddess night with my girls and more hook ups next week. I feel so blessed to have phenomenal group in my life. I can never say it enough...thank you to my friends and family, I love you all implicitly!! A special shout out to Violette who continues to feed me inspiration by just being herself!!
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Dear Giggles,
Happy Birthday to you.
You look fabulous, and your birthday plans sound divine. Enjoy. :)
happy birthday!!!!!
and thanks for stopping by and leaving me such a nice comment.. that really meant a lot to me...
Happy Birthday to giggles who is wise, wonderful and wild at heart. Enjoy your day...Happy happy dear friend....
Aloha sherrie
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Glitter Goddess,
Happy Birthday to you!!!!
(Sorry about my
peace, Kai xx
Giggles, you are beaming and rightfully so! I've been gone too long from bloglan and miss you. Your blog always emanates such cheerful creativity, that it makes me want to get off of the computer and go back in the studio. I hope you had a fantabulous birthday!
gel (please note I now I have a different blog and blog address; hopefully an email will reach you as a reminder.)
Hope you enjoyed every minute of it!!
Happy Birthday dear Friend!
I have watched many Births in your life, and the birth of the creative you has been very exciting!!! Just imagining the possibilities that may arise thrills me for you! May you have a hundred more births to come!!!
love, Dream Goddess
Your day sounds divine. I hope you were able to savour every moment.
A very Happy belated Birthday to you. Glad that you enjoyed it so much. Nice to have come across your colorful and nice blog :)
Darn! I'm a day late but Happy Birthday!!! This post was fun to read because I could feel your enthusiasm, and your creativity is always just fantastic.
Happy, happy birthday to you! You're such a gorgeous and talented person! Fifty-three is young (from my perch)'re just beginning!
I just loved reading all your loving birthday comments! The love and wisdom and creative fun you send out in the world comes right back at you sweetheart!! Happy Happy Birthday! There is a REASon you found your gift later in life.. Maybe it's the mere fact that Your heart is so full of appreciation for it now. Whatever it is..I am so grateful you found your passion.
(your new acrylic angel IS miss Pepper!! did u intentionally draw her? Just beautiful!!)
0h!... and Congratulations to Violette! wishing her much success and so thankful that she was your doula! :))
big hugs to you both! xox
Happy happy birthday can celebrate the month of June too.....gemini's like that. I had such a wonderful time with you. Thanks for the kind words and for being an inspiration in my life!
Love, Violette
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