Beautiful aren’t they? Well they are wreaking havoc on my daughters life.
Her allergies are out of control.
Did I ever tell you how bad my allergies were
until I got my nosed pierced at forty?
I know some people thought I was nuts. But for over ten years
I’ve been telling people how my allergies dissipated
the moment I got it pierced.
until I got my nosed pierced at forty?
I know some people thought I was nuts. But for over ten years
I’ve been telling people how my allergies dissipated
the moment I got it pierced.
show called turbinate coblation which seems to eliminate nasal symptoms.
So similar to having a piercing!
For more on this procedure check here!
Checkout part one of this six part Artist series of layering that Milliande share with us! It's visually informative for newbies such as myself!
Another interesting website I found some scrumptious inspiring decor! Another bit of visual excellence! Have a great weekend!
G'Day Giggles, Thanks for your comment. I dunno, maybe it is a metaphore, but I never thought of it at the time. seems appropriate doesn't it:{}
pierce your nose and allergies go away?????
The trees are beautiful! We have some like that here, too. I never think about people with allergies when I look at them but I guess they would wreck havoc!
Sorry I haven't been by in awhile. And now that you've turned me on to these videos by Milliande I may just be living in the studio!!
Our trees just started blossoming the other day but it has been raining so I can't really enjoy them. allergies are rampant in our house too.
I like that fear quote about nothing is to be feared in life, only understood by Marie Curie.
When I asked God what I should do to stop crying over being m'd when I was a child. After praying that prayer, what came into my thoughts was to forgive and understand that person was messed up in the head.
For years I was holding onto that fear. When I forgave a weight lifted off me. I could feel the weight lift off of me and I didn't cry over it anymore.
God Bless You and Yours!!!
Wow! The trees are so beautiful - too bad they only bloom for a short time - on the other hand it probably seems like forever to Pepper. Amazing about the nose piercing. I'm forwarding this to my kid. The art lady is incredible - I watched one vid and will go back. Have you done any of these YouTube presentations?
I love your quotes so much I bookmarked it. Almost as good as puzzles. heh! Heh!
i just love cherry blossoms!
My son Nick is like Pepper Giggles.. he just has to forget ever enjoying the month of may. It usually takes a cortisone shot to finally put him out of his misery.
I am amazed about the nose piercing! who knew!!?
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