Quote of The Day

Today's Quote
Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends.
William Butler Yeats

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sunday Scribblings " Plans"

Large acrylic on thick canvas
Sunday Scribblings prompt this week, "Plan"

For years I planned to construct an art coat from my old clothing. Time drifts by, still no coat. Countless days wasted researching styles, and patterns on the net. During festival time I regret not having the envisioned coat. Fear of failure holds me back. Sometimes I think I should just relinquish the clothing to charity and stop lying to myself

There are times my menial plans morph into an exciting new excursion. I love when that happens. Living in the flow, life carrying you to new horizons void of the original plan!

Sometimes my body defies me though. Plans become defunct. So I succumb to my many hobbies. Scrabble, learning, art and poetry! While hundreds of plans continue to swirl away in my brain! Some I have no idea how to materialize.

Procrastination, is my biggest fruition rival! Important impromptu visitors always appear on days my hair is a frazzle, dust is an inch thick; I’m wearing a holey paint shirt, surrounded by a litter of paint bottles scattered from one end of the room to the other. What can I say, I’m being held hostage by an art binge, the perfectionist has absconded with my beauty and left in place this fat artist who despises housework!

My original life plan never worked out, probably a good thing. I changed, life changed, the plan did too. In many aspects I prefer my new plan. It has more purpose; it’s more exciting, and less demanding!! I’ve learned I can walk through adversity, be forced to change the plan, and embrace what comes!!

Acrylic on canvas


Myriad of thoughts

Known as plans

Twist slyly off kilter

Compelled to act

often delayed

By physical


Flounce of ideas


By compunction

“Focus” is demanded


Possibility of



Plan impostor


Fear in his pockets



and achievement

Plans awry

In a haze

Of frustration

On a whim


Chains itself

To imagination


To let go

Forcing things

to Happen!


George S Batty said...

great blog.. defines a lot of us
the poem was wonderful

Queen-Size funny bone said...

Plans I think are just something you push to the side when real life happens. p.s. I love the eyes in all your work big and bright.

Americanising Desi said...

hey great prompt :)

The Bigger Plan

Janet said...

Love, love, love the paintings! And I can so relate to this post! I think I am the Queen of Procrastination at times. And so many ideas swirl around in my head at times I feel like I'm going crazy! Your poem nailed it!

Mary Timme said...

I'm not usually the procrastination type unless I'm really looking for a way to escape. Hmmmm. What does that tell us?

Tumblewords: said...

Terrific! My best plan, too, is the one that happens each minute.

Stan Ski said...

I have an 'open plan' approach - I just take it as it comes.

quin browne said...

i think the best things about plans are they beg to be broken.

latree said...

the plan is: don't plan anything :D

latree said...

the plan is: don't plan anything :D

linda may said...

Great post. We all should plan not to have too many plans then we wouldn't disappoint ourselves. Go with the flow and see what happens, because things will go in that direction anyway. My best plans happen off the cuff and spur of the moment. Could you classify those as plans?

gma said...

Absolutely love this!!! I can relate baby cakes!

Lucy said...

hi giggs! Love your carefree days and getting lost in your art! and WHAT ART! your acrylics are amazing!!! ONE thing.. I didn't like at all!!!....FEAR Of FaILure???
NO no no no! that is NOT the giggles I know talking there!! No relinquishing your cloth or your desire for this artful coat!
YOU possess the talent and passion.. (in the words of a wise Canadian friend of mine... ehhem.. JUST DO IT!!)

Tammie Lee said...

fun and wonderful play with words and ideas!

DMG said...

Somehow I missed this post the first time around, but I love both of these paintings. You are one talented woman to be able to write and paint so beautifully!

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