Thirteen reasons/excuses why I haven't been
blogging consistently, take is as you will!
Shopping for and figuring out paint,
Babysitting a toy poodle for three weeks
Revamping downstairs powder room, daughters initiative
Painted a lamp to match the bathroom
Cleaning up messes VERY SLOWLY, in preparation for company
Searching for new bathroom accessories
Sleep is off kilter, energy is low,hip and knee are sore
Searching and researching new cars
Drove and retrieved son-in –law from the plane
Headache two mornings in a row
Spending alone time with my daughter which can be rare!
Spent the day with a good friend went for dinner
Have my favorite out of town guest with her dog for a week
Too pooped to blog…and I mean that in a very nice way! Was that fourteen...oops....
We all get tired and want to take a break from blogging. You just do what you have to do. The summer is coming to an end so enjoy the great outdoors as long as you can. Recharging the batteries is a good thing.
Have a terrific day. Big hug. :)
I totally understand your pain. I have been very lax with posting too! Very nice list and very worthy excuses imho. :)
You have been very busy...it is ok to rest from blogging ;)
no need for excuses, blogging is unconditional love...(im not saying im a dog or anything.)
I know exactly how you feel! This whole summer I've been behind on visits and answering emails. My only excuse has been the heat.
Your list sounds a lot like mine. It's been such a weird, busy summer. I am right there with you on the knee and hip (several friends have had that too... maybe it's the weather changes... or could it be age... no!)
I've also done a few little projects around the house, had family and friend time, but honestly, time just flew away.
I'm just glad I'm not the only one.
I like what Queen-Size Funny Bone said: 'blogging is unconditional love.'
Each reason a blessing!
Oh amd P.S. You are the devil. You look all of 19 years old in this picture. Did you sell your soul or something?????
You definitely have good reasons! I have also been inconsistent lately also.
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