Folk Art Flower Fusion

Acrylic paint outlined in black sharpie pen!
This painting started one way and layers later ended up completely different. But I did enjoy outlining everything with a sharpie pen. Sharpies have always been a favorite of mine, long before I attempted any art! Nice to go back to them! I have more plans with this style! The painting Below was my first attempt, which needs more work! I prefer this one though!
Sunday Scribblings is very late this week! Bright Idea was the prompt!Living in an affluent neighborhood I worried she’d never understand the less fortunate. I had strict boundaries about behavior but she wanted for nothing! A playhouse indoors, toys galore, love with abundant attention everyday made for a very pleasant childhood!
At ten my ugly divorce changed her life and our lifestyle! Attempting to keep her world centered I took her to group counseling for children. It was an amazing program that gave her coping skills and a respite during tumultuous times. Years later I bumped into a counselor who conveyed that her mature input helped them to restructure the program which continues to this day.
Her story and situation paled in comparison to some children who’d witnessed ghastly things. While she attended one group, I attended another. Often little token gifts such as hair products, creams, nail polish were given away each week. Brightening a gloomy period. It meant so much to me who at least had a nice roof over my head. Some woman were destitute, I can only imagine how thrilled they were to get an unexpected gift.
So this year my coupon clipping queen had the bright idea to fill ten baskets for a woman’s shelter. Gathering free items to the tune of $571.00 which she has paid
approximately 57 dollars for, (mostly the tax!) Each basket is full of creams, shampoos, socks, razors toothbrushes….all the necessities with a few extras, Starbucks items, necklaces and bath gels. I can’t say I’m not proud of my daughter who's compassionate young woman. Most of all I’m pleased that having a childhood filled with magic and wonder didn’t spoil her! She really understands those less fortunate!
It looks as though you have done something really well in bringing up your daughter. Let's hope a family tradition has started so the gifts she has developed can be passed on to her children as well.
This makes me smile ear to ear--the post AND the art!!
What beautiful artwork - and a bright post..Jae
Pepper is truly a daughter to be proud of....she has a good heart. Just like her mom!
I'm in love with your paintings!!!! I like them both. How could anyone have a bad day if those paintings were hanging on their wall? Just looking at them makes me feel happy.
What a thoughtful young woman you have! I bet you're beaming with pride. She's truly touching the lives of those in need.
Your paintings are GORGEOUS! I adore them both. What a fun thing to outline with a Sharpie. That had to be theraputic!
Keep up the awesomeness! (both of you!)
pepper is an amazing woman! How wonderful that she is donating these gifts! You see how things turned around? character is so built with adversities! You've done a great job raising your compassionate, sensitive daughter!
Love your paintings Sher! That is A LOT of sharpieness
xoxo great Bright ideas!
What vibrant art you make! No wonder your daughter is so wonderful! It's a pleasure to meet you, Giggles!
: ) lulu
I love your paintings, too, they have so much movement, it's like if you look away, you think the flowers are turning and moving around, dancing ;)
An absolutely wonderful idea!
And, let's have more of the Sharpie Frenzy :)
An absolutely wonderful idea!
And, let's have more of the Sharpie Frenzy :)
It is always nice when we can give back! What a wonderful gift. I love Sharpies, too! I love the concept of using them to outline the acrylic composition. :)
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